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HealthcareFebruary 17, 2022
Watch: FDA Executive Claims Vaccines 'Recurring Fountain of Revenue' for Big Pharma
If only the mainstream media had the integrity and the stones to do what Project Veritas does. If they did, the world might be a slightly better place. But the MSM talking heads aren’t so much truth-to-power people as they are cover-for-the-powerful people, so it falls to James O’Keefe and company. Yesterday, his organization dropped the second part of their investigation into the FDA.
In the previous video, Christopher Cole, an executive with the FDA, explained how mandating an annual vaccine would provide the Big Pharma corporations with a steady flow of income, which would be important, as those companies funnel millions upon millions of dollars into the FDA. But pouring buckets of cash into the government to get stuff done isn’t the only way the FDA rakes in the cash.
In the second video, Cole explains what effectively sounds like an extortion scheme, in which the FDA charges drug and food companies billions of dollars in “user fees” to process approvals for their products.
FDA Executive Officer Exposes Close Ties Between Agency and Pharmaceutical Companieswww.youtube.com
“A long time ago, Congress approved user fees for FDA. Basically, we charge the [Big Pharma] industry millions of dollars in order to hire more drug reviewers and vaccine reviewers, which will speed up the approval process so they make more money. […] There’s almost a billion dollars a year boing into FDA’s budget from the people we regulate. […] I think sometimes the agency [FDA] whitewashes the impact of the user fees.”
“They’re [FDA] getting a little overzealous in charging the user fees to other non-payroll expenses. […] The money gets banked. […] And you want to be able to spend it. […] on whatever you can, whether it’s right or wrong.”
Cole attempts to downplay the significance this inflow of money has on the approval process, saying that if the data isn’t there to approve the products that they won’t get approved, but in another breath, he admits that this happens all the time, leading to recalls of drugs after adverse effects.
The entirety of government seems to be all about the Benjamins, whether we’re talking about the FDA nabbing bags of money from companies, Congress stashing away untold sums with insider trading, or Hunter running around the world collecting money for daddy dearest.
Corruption is the name of the game, and for the FDA, your health and safety look to come second to the dollar signs in their eyeballs.
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