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ArticlesApril 29, 2019
Father Called His Teenage Transgender Daughter "She." Gets Convicted of "Violence."
Well this is pretty much the most screwed up thing I've seen all year: fathers losing parental rights or all out being charged with a crime, for disagreeing with the "gender identity" of their children. The Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, ruled a father was guilty of violence against his teenage daughter simply because he, the father, rejected her gender identity. Yes, the father is guilty of "violence" because he refers to his daughter as "she," because his daughter is a she. "Maxine" (not the daughter's real name) began hormone therapy at a BC hospital, and "Clark" (not the father's real name) objected to this practice, both to his daughter and publicly.
From The Federalist:
Her father, Clark*, strongly objects to this treatment and immediately sought to reverse the decision in the BC Court of Appeal. Hoping to raise awareness of his case, Clark gave a number of interviews to media outlets, including The Federalist. In these interviews, he repeatedly referred to his daughter as a girl, stating to The Federalist that “she is a girl. Her DNA will not change through all these experiments that they do.”
Right, because DNA cannot be altered. You are who you are. If who you are is female, you'll always be female. If who you are is male, you will always be male. You can alter your appearance as much as you'd like, but your body still takes its commands from the lines of DNA code in every cell of your body. Related: Sorry, But Endorsing Transgenderism Actually Makes You a Bad Person.
The father speaking to the press, many outlets of which did not agree with the transgender agenda and perhaps sympathized with Clark, is one factor which sparked the ruling against Clark.
Marzari argued that the “people and organizations” to whom Clark granted interviews had shown themselves “fundamentally opposed” to transgender ideology, yet Clark “continued to support the media organizations posting his commentary with additional interviews.”
Such actions, Judge Marzari believed, were acts of "violence" against the 14-year-old daughter. When gender becomes whatever you want, so, apparently, do words. Bravo, Canada.
Remember when Dr. Jordan Peterson first came onto the scene because he refused to comply with preferred gender pronouns, saying it was absolutely wrong to compel people to speak a certain way? Right. How'd that turn out? Because here we have a father who was against his daughter wreaking havoc on her body and simply refused to play along. Now he's been told to shut up. Yes, gagged. He's no longer able to comment publicly (because that's "violence") about what is happening to his daughter not only without his consent but on Canada's orders. Maxine, who is FOURTEEN-YEARS-OLD, is receiving hormone therapy free of parental permission, in British Columbia.
Make no mistake, the left wants the exact same policies instituted here, in America, where parents have few rights over their children, and the government can act in loco parentis. Why? What possible good could come from stripping a father of his rights to protect his daughter, or even the right to speak out against how Canada is treating his daughter? Just a guess, but there's always a war against what is traditional and good, waged by those who'd usurp the traditional with the unnatural. As for the power of the state wishing to be more powerful, America is a thing because our Founding Fathers recognized how corrupting people in power become, and how those same people and their institutions seek even more power to rule over their subjects.
Seems like... yeah, that's about right.
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