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Culture WarsNovember 15, 2023
Female boxer takes a stand, refuses to fight after finding out last minute opponent was "not a woman by birth"
Of all the sports where biology gives men who went through puberty as males an advantage over women, combat sports is at the top of the list. You wouldn't stand for watching a dude punch a girl in the face. Yet if that dude says they identify as a girl, we're supposed to accept it in the name of equality, tolerance, and all that gay stuff. One female Canadian boxer took a stand and said that, no, she was not going to let a guy punch her in the face.
Katia Bissonnette was set to fight in the 2023 Provincial Golden Glove Championship. Then an hour before her fight, she learned that her opponent was born a he while competing now as a she.
Bissonnette tells Reduxx that she was ready to go until an hour before the fight when her manager found out via text message her "female" opponent was not born that way. Mya Walmsley, who Reduxx says there's limited information on, had no history of fighting against women in Canadian tournaments.
Walmsley is Australian but moved to Canada two years ago. The sick part? Mya would have boxed as a man in Australia.
Bissonette put her safety first and dropped out.
“According to a study, a male blow has 163% more impact than a women’s, even adjusted for weight,” she says, referring to a 2020 study on strength published by researchers at the University of Utah. “In the group studied, the weakest man remains physically superior to the strongest woman.”
“Women shouldn’t have to bear the physical and psychological risks brought by a man’s decisions regarding his personal life and identity,” she continues.
The controversy over men competing against women started in combat sports. Long before there was Lia Thomas and a litany of track stars stealing opportunities from girls, there was Fallon Fox destroying women's orbital bones.
When you have the hormonal profile and capabilities of a man, plus ligaments, bone density, and overall musculature that has been built over a lifetime of being a man, it gives you eleventy different advantages over girls in fighting. Trans or not, a guy fighting a girl isn't a competition. It's an assault.
Bissonnette should have never been put in a position where she had to worry about her well-being. Nor should she, after sacrificing all that you need to in training to be a fighting champion, have been the one who pulled out.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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