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ArticlesJanuary 28, 2020
Feminist CEO Wants Men to Stop Talking About Sports at Work
Notice I'm calling this manager a feminist, not just labeling her as some woman. For were I to research who she is as a woman, I suspect I'd find many feminist manifestos in and around her trollish person. I can't say for sure if she's a fan of Madam Cankles of the most beloved Pantsuit, but I'd put money on it. Her name is Ann Francke, and she's a British Minister of Workplace Miserable Bitchery. That's not the official title, but do you actually care what the official title is? Oh fine, she's the CEO of the Chartered Management Institute. You tell me you don't prefer the title I thunk up. Anyhoodles, Ms. Francke is one of those broads who doesn't like that men talk about sports at work, as she thinks it excludes women and might lead to a "laddish" culture.
Francke told BBC radio: “It’s easy for it to escalate from VAR talk and chat to slapping each other on the back and talking about their conquests at the weekend.”But her claim that match analysis and office sports punditry left women out in the cold provoked a fierce backlash from both sexes.
Yes, backlash from both sexes. That's because most women don't give a crap when men talk about sports. I can say that for I am, in this scenario, for sure in the camp of most women. If guys are talking about sports and I don't want to talk about sports with them, I don't talk about sports with them and go about my business. Which, incidentally, is rather the point of an office. Nope, that's not me saying work should only contain work-related conversation. Building camaraderie amongst your team is fine and good. Just that if I'm not interested in what so and so did at the MMA match last night, I can carry on doing something else.
Also, plenty of women like sports. Maybe Ann here should talk to more women outside her feminist circle of shrewish cows.
Similarly, if I want to talk to TooCuteMadi about her new dog, my dogs, our dogs, and why our dogs are the best, and the guys aren't interested, they're free to go do something else and she and I are free to carry on cooing over our pets.
No harm. No foul.
But of course, the Minister of Raining Black Clouds didn't seem to address conversations women may have at work with other women, she just focused on the dudes in the office. She thinks sports talk may escalate into sexual conquests. I've never witnessed such a thing, but I also talk with men and not at them. Hence I've slapped the "feminist" label on her.
Since we're talking about it, though, here's what I've forever found annoying about certain segments of population female: the endless chats about mommery. These talks aren't just limited to that cute thing Skyler did which all kids do at Skylar's age, no. These talks include all the escapades of being a mom. Such brave endeavors like shopping for baby. The pros and cons of cloth diapering. What that other mom said about that other mom at mom's group. It's all very interesting to moms and other moms, but not people who aren't moms. We get it. You're a mother and you love it. Fine. But know your audience.
Incidentally, just like with guys talking about sports, if a group of moms is endlessly prattling about MOTHERING, I can walk away rolling my eyes. Choices, am I right?
To any errant mother triggered that I not find constant mother chatter as harmonious as children's laughter, spare me. I'm glad you love being a mom and find all aspects of it fulfilling. But being a mother doesn't automatically confer upon you the talent of making enthralling conversation.
Editor’s Note
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