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EducationSeptember 11, 2023
School Suspends Little Kid After Pointing FINGER GUN At Classmate And Saying "Bang Bang." They Were Playing Cops and Robbers
An Alabama elementary school has suspended first-grader J.B., reportedly for making a finger gun during a game of cops and robbers with another student, according to reports.
Progressives are getting out of control. It is not enough to take away an actual gun, but you can’t even pretend to use a fake finger gun during a game that almost every boy has participated in growing up.
On Sept.1 J.B. and another student were playing "cops and robbers" during recess. During the game, the children made pretend guns with their fingers and said "Bang, bang" at each other.
A notice of suspension states that Belcher's son committed a "Class III" infraction by "using his fingers to shoot at another student," according to Fox News.
Jarrod Belcher said his six-year-old son was suspended from Bagley Elementary School in Jefferson County for the alleged infraction.
In a letter sent to school officials on Friday, Belcher's attorney M. Reed Martz demanded that the school "immediately and publicly confirm it will remove any record of an infraction, disciplinary action, or other sort of report" from the student’s record.
Essentially, the school exploited the situation that was not even a situation to begin with, in order to advance some weird progressive shaming ritual.
We all know progressives love to jump on something if it can be used to advance their woke causes, but this is the first time I have seen them use a finger gun to promote their ideology.
"As reported by school staff, their play did not threaten any other students, did not disrupt any class activities, and did not interfere with school functions in any way," the letter stated. "Nevertheless, J.B.'s ‘gun fingers’ were reported to the school administration, whereupon Donna Page, Assistant Principal at Bagley Elementary School, who apparently lacked the insight and judgment to see the ordinary children's play for what it was, immediately began a disciplinary process against J.B.," Martz wrote.
The story is so ridiculous that the attorney thought the situation was a made up hoax until he received the paperwork.
I guess we really shouldn’t be surprised since progressives envision the school system as a means of conditioning minds to accept their radical beliefs. This is probably some deranged attempt of mind control they think would subconsciously achieve that.
The student’s disciplinary action has since been downgraded to a "Class II Infraction," and J.B. has been permitted to return to class.
Leftists want to eradicate any views aligned to the commitment of foundation rights. And even though the kids were literally just playing a game, they used it as an attempt to traumatize them into thinking that even a pretend gun is violence.
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