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#FreeMilo: Milo Yiannopoulous Permanently BANNED from Twitter
Have you woken up to #FreeMilo? Here's why...Milo Yiannopoulous has been permanently banned from Twitter over a "feud" with Ghostbuster's star Leslie Jones.
No, not the real Ghostbusters. The crappy remake (see Jackass Judd Apatow Shames ‘Ghostbusters’ Critics by… Calling them ‘Trump-Supporters’? and Original Ghostbusters Director: No, It’s Not Sexist to Hate the Remake…). Now, regardless of your opinion on Milo OR Ghostbusters, there are a few key points that really matter here. First, context.
The contretemps has been brewing all week, as Milo engaged in a barbed to and fro with embattled Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones over her Twitter feud with trolls who hated her new movie. At one point the CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey intervened himself, asking Jones to direct message him. Milo himself said nothing racist, though he joked that Jones’ grammatically challenged quips at him were “barely literate”, said America needs better schools and referred to Jones facetiously as “a black dude”.Milo has been suspended from Twitter before and also lost his verification tag. Will tonight’s suspension really be permanent?
LatestEarlier today Milo said he was not sorry for his dialogue with Jones.
“No, of course, I don’t have any regrets,” Milo told Heat Street. “But feminists on the other hand should have regrets that they have taught strong women that they are victims and attacked people for having different opinions to them on Twitter.”
Naturally, free speech advocates on Twitter revolted.
Here's the deal: of course Twitter has the right to ban and/or silence whoever they want. This is not a "freedom of speech" issue. It's a "company lying about supporting freedom of speech" issue. Social media sites are essentially communication platforms. They are only as valuable as the trust of their users. If users don't trust that Twitter is being fair in their enforcement of the rules, it will continue to hurt Twitter's value on the market.
Maybe Milo did break the rules. I don't know, because I don't know their justification, nor the exact interpretation of their rules. What I DO know is that leftists are currently on Twitter threatening, doxxing, and even inciting violence this very second. It's a whole lot more than mere "harassment" and it's entirely allowed. Examples:
In response to police shootings.
And here's an example of Twitter personally allowing what they KNOW to be libel of yours truly.
The speech police will come for all of you.