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EducationAugust 31, 2023
Watch: Gadsden flag kid takes victory lap, but shares some horrible news about his teachers
This week introduced us to 12-year-old Jaiden. The young king who wore a Gadsden flag patch on his backpack and caused a (earmuffs, Jaiden) woke twat of a teacher to send him to the principles office. The Gadsden flag is better known as the Don't Tread On Me flag.
If you are like me and can barely remember what you had for breakfast this morning, let alone what happened on Tuesday, here's a refresher:
The flag is from the Revolutionary War our country was founded on. And while the Biden Regime wants to claim our founding documents and symbols are raaaaaaaacist, that doesn't make it so. The school even tried to claim banning Jaiden from having a flag patch was an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission thing, even though the EEOC admits the flag "originated in the Revolutionary War in a non-racial context."
Eventually, the school caved. They were forced to side with American history and not the leftist fee-fees of the teacher's union members who "teach" at the school. Jaiden released a new video taking a victory lap. Mostly.
It's a good news/bad news thing. The good news is that Jaiden made a bunch of new friends in class, who have been inspired to put "Don't Tread of Me" flags on their lockers! The bad news is Jaiden's getting dirty looks from his teachers.
Jaiden is twelve. And his TEACHERS are giving him an attitude because he knows more about American history than they do.
Jaiden's patch was said to be "disruptive to the classroom environment" and I had made the educated guess no other 12-year-old even noticed as much as Jaiden's woke (ear muffs) twat of a teacher did. Turns out I was right. The other 12-year-olds think a flag with a snake on it is cool.
And Jaiden -- who is twelve -- has his grown-ass teachers giving him dirty looks over him having a different opinion. Instead of keeping their opinions to themselves a TEACHING. if you needed another advertisement for homeschooling, there it is.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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