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Second AmendmentDecember 12, 2021
Gov. Gavin Newsom: I'm Going to Use Texas's Abortion Law to Take Away Your Guns
Like most lefties—and especially those who inhabit the coastal wastelands, Governor Gavin Newsom is always very upset when something happens that threatens the ability to dismember unborn babies. But Newsom believes that he has found a silver lining after the Supreme Court upheld the Texas six-week ban.
What’s Newsom’s new, great idea? To use the same kind of end around mechanism Texas used as a method of enforcing gun control measures.
“[I]f states can now shield their laws from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives, then California will use that authority to protect people’s lives, where Texas used it to put women in harms way.”
Newsom plans to use the same civilian reporting and civil suit method to enact this policy allowing “private citizens to seek injunctive relief ‘against anyone who manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts in the State of California.”
If you didn’t already know this, Governor Newsom is a moron. His conflating these two issues demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of each issue and requires a complete disregarding of the U.S. Constitution. The right to bear arms is a protected right. Abortion isn’t. The right to own a gun doesn’t harm anyone—contrary to leftist dogma. Abortion is literally the murdering of an unborn child.
Newsom’s half-baked plan is sure to be quashed almost immediately, but the overt act of attempting to end-around the constitution is something that should cause everyone to take pause. Our governments—local, state, and federal—have been increasingly interested in imposing their will on Americans since the start of the COVID pandemic but also prior to it.
The second amendment must not be infringed upon, but we as a country have sat by as these rights have been carved away time and time again. It’s time for states and localities to stand up for what are our God-given rights, starting with the second amendment, for, if we should lose the ability to protect ourselves against a growing tyrannical government, all else will quickly fall.
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