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State Dept. Drops 600k to Study How Toxic Masculinity Creates Kenyan Terrorists
Africa is having oodles of problems right now. There's a famine in East Africa. Terrorist groups. Copious amounts of poisonous animals. A long list, really. According to reports, the American government is mostly interested in the terrorist part. Namely the gender part of terrorism. Yes, really. Our government spent oodles AND copious amounts of moneys on studying how the XY chromosome = terrorism.
The State Department is offering 600k to a nonprofit to do research on how toxic masculinity creates terrorists. Confused? Good. We're on the same page.
The department's Bureau of Counterterrorism is seeking a nonprofit group to "explore gender identities of boys and men in Kenya." The grant proposal states that men being "tough, heterosexual, aggressive, unemotional, and achieving" can make them vulnerable to joining Islamic extremist groups.The grant proposal blames Kenya's "patriarchal" society of "tough, heterosexual" men for problems facing the developing country.
Latest"Kenyan males are expected to head the household as well as provide for, protect, and maintain the family," the department continued. "Socially, males are expected to be tough, heterosexual, aggressive, unemotional, and achieving. The practical and social pressures to fulfill these expectations can be immense and create vulnerabilities that are exploited by violent extremist groups who appeal to these characteristics and offer the opportunity to fulfil [sic] these roles."
The State Department added that the research would involve fathers and community leaders in Kenya in the hopes to "shape existing cultural narratives on masculinity, gender, and violent extremism."
Let me get this straighter than a conservative male -- this study is linking a man's desire to provide for and protect his family with... terrorism. It then blames masculinity. Religion? Philosophy? Culture? Upbringing? No no, not important factors here. The focus is simply on one thing: DANGEROUS MALE GENES!
Behold, the fruit of a handy search with the Googles. The major recruitment methods of these Kenyan terrorist groups:
The Kenyan terrorist group al-Shabaab makes Islam sound totes appealing to youngins' (see UK Has More Online Terrorist Content Than Any Other European Country and WISE UP, UK! Manchester Bomber’s FAMILY Has Terrorist Ties…). Then they make the Kenyan government look more evil than Hillary is to fashion. Or just unprepared eyes. Then they offer money and something to eat. AKA not manly man glory.
All sources cited poverty as a motivator. Looks like the war-torn region has a problem with empty tummies, a fearful populace, lack of leadership, no political stability, broken families, and severe indoctrination. Such factors make the environment and its youth ripe for terrorism. We're not talking macho dudes competing for toxic masculinity points, but vulnerable minds being infected with Islamic notions. Naive boys depending on these terrorist groups for familial fulfillment and leadership because their real families were murdered, kidnapped, or raped by other terrorists. It's not as simple as "MEN ARE LIKE TOTALLY MEAN!" Nice try, State Department.
All this wrongness aside, about half a million taxpayer dollars were wasted on this "study." And the result is a whopping fecal patty. American culture is so poisoned by modern feminism, the government thinks gender studies in Kenya is a great investment. No.
While we're on the subject, Karen Straughan is all about preserving men's rights. See why she's right.
~Co-written by Nichole Cooper and Kacie Burnett