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CultureMarch 04, 2023
Watch: Fast food-loving Paw Paw eats nothing but McDonald's to lose weight and somehow it's working
A Nashville Grandpa is taking a unique approach to weight loss by eating nothing but McDonalds. And he claims it's working. I'm suspicious, given that Mcdonald's food literally never goes bad. But we'll see how it pans out for him.
Fifty-six-year-old Kevin Maginnis decided to eat only Mickey D's for 100 days after he weighed 238 pounds on February 21st. He's apparently already down to 223 pounds.
On the first day, Maginnis announced the new diet plan in a TikTok: "I'm gonna eat nothing but McDonald's for the next 100 days. But instead of eating everything they give me, I'm going to go ahead and cut the meals in half. Just to kind of prove to myself and maybe some of the other people watching that it's not as much what you're eating, it's the quantity that we're eating that really jacks us up."
@bigmaccoaching Challenge: Eating mcdonalds every meal for the next 100 days to lose weight! #mcdonalds #mcdonaldschallenge #weightloss #bigmaccoaching #transformativecoaching #nashvilleweightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #100daychallenge
@bigmaccoaching Nothing but McDonalds for 100 days, 3 meals a day, cut in 1/2! #portioncontrol #Mcdonalds #mcdonaldschallenge #100daychallenge #100dayweightloss #bigmaccoaching #transformativecoaching #nashvilleweightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightloss #mcdonaldsweightloss #unsupersizeme #supersizeme #halfsizeme #1/2sizeme
Maginnis also cut out all snacks. His first day consisted of a Sausage McMuffin, hash brown, and a quarter pounder with fries. Despite the drop in weight, by day three, his bloodwork showed "not good" blood sugar, but he thinks this will improve as he loses more weight.
He said he chose McDonald's not because of any sponsorship, which was honestly my first thought. I can't imagine someone willingly consuming that much grease without a paycheck. While on the Today show last week, he explained, "I’m big [and] my name is Maginnis, so the nickname Big Mac has been thrown out at times. I figured, 'Why not embrace it?' And I like McDonald’s.”
We'll see how this pans out for him. It seems like the calorie restriction is working, but the bloodwork might not come back totally a-ok. And as someone who worked at a McDonald's when I was 17, I do not recommend this strategy. A lot goes on in those kitchens you'd probably rather not know about.
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