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Second AmendmentMarch 11, 2021
Three Thugs Try Robbing 69-Year-Old Man, Discover the Hard Way He's a Concealed Carry Holder
"Good guy with a gun" stories just hit different when the shooter is old. That's something satisfying about our elders proving to today's youngbloods that they still got it. That brings us to today's story about three thugs learning what a concealed carry license is the hard way. The incident takes place in Chicago. I know, right? Gun crime in Chicago! Chuckleheads #1, #2, and #3 had already stolen a car. They figure the night was still young, let's go mug somebody! So they spot their mark: a 69-year-old man.
Our hoodlum friends tell the man to hand over all his valuables. The man: "No, I don't think I will." Instead of pulling his wallet or pack of Marlboro Reds out of his pocket, he pulled out his handgun. His legally owned and licensed handgun. Putting a twist on most Chicago gun stories.
All three nogoodniks are in police custody. From the Chicago Tribune:
A 69-year-old concealed carry license holder defended himself Tuesday night against a group of teenagers in a stolen vehicle when they approached him in Beverly and demanded his belongings, police said. Instead of handing over his wallet or other items, the man drew his handgun and shot toward the group of boys trying to rob him.
Two of the three people have since been charged. The person who was shot in the knee has not been charged with a crime and police did not release his age.
First, because I'm a child, the guy was 69 years old.
Second, there is a timely reason for sharing this story. We like to amplify "good guy with a gun" stories to illustrate that when leftists go to chip away at our Second Amendment rights, these are the people who will most be affected. The people looking to defend themselves. It's timely because Democrats are just starting to roll out their extreme gun control agenda. It's as bad as advertised. Leftists know they can't repeal the Second Amendment. That takes too much work. Instead, they chip away at it with restriction on top of restriction on top of restriction. Joe Biden signs his stimulus/massive increase in the role of government bill tonight. His extreme immigration agenda is in full force. Guns come next.
Had it not been for gun rights and the Second Amendment, this could be a story about just another person killed in Chicago. Remember that as the left starts telling us their gun "reform" is "common sense."
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