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ShowMarch 14, 2024
"Not all cultures are created equal": Crowder issues warning about Haitian cannibals
Haiti has gone bat sh*t crazy and the situation is about to start impacting America.
"I don't want to vilify an entire nation but Haiti is a craphole. That does not mean all the people are terrible. It means that the country breeds crap-holiness,” Crowder said. "Compassion has to be combined with truth. These people that are leaving in droves are very likely to come to the United States and are very likely to be treated differently by the party who considers them a potential voting base."
A United Nations’ source said Sunday that around 3,500 prisoners are believed to have escaped Haiti’s National Penitentiary in Port-Au-Prince during the weekend.
There had been 3,687 prisoners at prison, according to the source. The UN mission in Haiti tracks incarcerated populations and humanitarian conditions in prisons in the country.
The government cited the “deterioration of security,” notably in the capital Port-au-Prince, and “increasingly violent criminal acts perpetrated by armed gangs,” including kidnappings and killings of citizens, violence against women and children and looting, according to a statement from Finance Minister Patrick Boivert, who is serving as acting prime minister.
On Friday, Haitian gang leader Jimmy Cherizier, also known as Barbecue, said he would continue in his effort to try to oust Prime Minister Ariel Henry.
Henry has since acquiesced to BBQ’s demands and resigned as of Monday.
“You can be compassionate and also say you want to protect yourself and [you] don’t want these problems coming to the United States,” Crowder said.
NBC and many other media outlets have reported that Conservatives, along with Elon Musk, have “smeared Haitian migrants as cannibals.” However, there have yet to be any reports about “migrants.”
“These people are not Migrants yet. That is very telling,” Crowder said. “‘Smearing’ would mean it was untrue."
NBC has blatantly claimed that there is no “evidence” of cannibalism even though there is, in fact, video evidence.
“If wanting to screen immigrants for potential homicidal tendencies and cannibalism makes me ‘right wing', then I would gladly accept such a label!” Musk wrote on X in response to NBC “smearing” him. “Failure to do so would put innocent Americans in mortal risk.”
NBC also did not dispute the name of the gang, which is reportedly the “Cannibal Army” gang.
If there just so happens to be an “influx of Haitian migrants” to the United States, the Biden Administration is already discussing plans to process them in Guantanamo Bay."Not all cultures are created equal. That is why you have to examine different cultures and different countries and examine why one works and why one does not work," Crowder said.
"Then you have to look at the most successful countries throughout history and [examine] what was done differently."Yes, there are victims, but there is also a disparate amount of perpetrators."Would you trust our current government to parse through who would be an appropriate 'migrant' from Haiti?" Crowder said.