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PoliticsAugust 04, 2020
HodgeTwins Blast Barack Obama's Performance at John Lewis' Funeral
There's nothing that the left won't politicize, but turning funerals into political rallies is old hat for them. You youngbloods should google the words "Paul Wellstone funeral" for an example. Still, there's something particularly obnoxious when it's coming from a former president while his former running-mate is running for current president. Leave it to Barack Obama to turn a eulogy into a Joe Biden rally, and with your typical leftist lies. Yes, at a church. While on the alter. Allow me to #PassTheMic to the HodgeTwins as they take the former president down point by point.
Obama Speaks at John Lewis' Funeralyoutu.be
The part about the Portland riots was what pissed me off the most. Voting rights and needing an ID to vote, those are the same lies leftists tell year after year and I've rolled my eyes enough. But the part about federal agents "attacking" "peaceful" "protesters?" Like, dude. We all have televisions and can see things with our own eyes (see AN ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTER JUST EXPOSED WHAT THE LEFT WANTS TO HIDE ABOUT PORTLAND and WATCH THIS US ATTORNEY SWAT DOWN THE MEDIA ON THE PORTLAND RIOTS, ONE TALKING POINT AFTER ANOTHER). Claiming it's all peaceful protests while we can literally see blocks of cities on fire rings hollow. Especially when for the past few months, we've had nothing to do but watch while we've been stuck at home and thousands of Obama supporters were out in the streets not socially distancing.
Which as a side note, unlike liberal icons like John Lewis and George Floyd, none of us are allowed to have funerals of more than ten people for our loved ones. The hypocrisy is bad enough without being blatantly lied to. Show some class.
Black Rifle Coffee with The HodgeTwins | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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