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2020 ElectionOctober 19, 2020
Hodgetwins Defend Ice Cube Working with Trump, Suggest Other Black Voters Do the Same
If you took the prop bet that the 2020 election would end with Ice Cube accused of being a sellout, you'd be doing snow angels on a giant pile of cash right now. Yes, the frontman for NWA has some wanting to take away his black card for saying he spoke to both campaigns and that the Trump plan doesn't suck. Also, the Trump campaign was the only one that spoke to him (see ICE CUBE UNINVITED FROM CHRIS CUOMO'S SHOW. ICE CUBE HAS A THEORY WHY ... and DID ICE CUBE REALLY WORK WITH DONALD TRUMP ON A 'BLACK AGENDA'? THE FACTS ...). Maybe Cube just grew tired of the Democrat Party treating black voters with no Vaseline. But he said something other than "I hate Trump," so the left is of course outraged. Good news for the rapper, though, is that he's got backup! The Hodgetwins.
Ice Cube Takes Heat For Working With Trumpyoutu.be
Here's what I've never been able to understand, and I'm in no way suggesting that the GOP has been impressive with its outreach to various groups over the years. But you hear a lot from African-American voters that the country, particularly in the cities, isn't working for them. Yet every election, they vote for the same Democrats with the same failed policies. If one of them gets charged with corruption or something of the like, they just get replaced with other Democrats. Yet whenever anyone like Ice Cube, or Kanye, or Jim Brown suggests maybe a least having a conversation with Republicans, they get attacked.
Black voters owe their vote to Democrats, and if they make Democrats actually have to work for that vote, then there is something wrong with the black voter and NOT the Democrat Party or the Democrat Party policies. If you think dismissing that makes Ice Cube no longer "black" or "not black enough," it just makes you no longer someone to listen to.
Does Affirmative Action Cause Self-Doubt? Change My Mind Clips | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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