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PoliticsSeptember 18, 2022
City hands out $2M of taxpayer money to the homeless, but only certain ‘marginalized’ homeless
San Francisco used to be the most profitable place for the homeless to live, but it looks like Denver is trying to take the title. For women, "transgenders," and "non-binary" people, at least, it's going to pay big time to be homeless starting in November.
According to the Daily Mail, a new program will use $2M in taxpayer funds to hand up to $12,000 to 140 homeless people. Of course, those homeless people need to be marginalized individuals. It will target women, "transgenders," and "non-binary" people for these benefits. An additional $7M from charitable organizations will also be tapped. And what are the sweet benefits that will be handed out?
The program is divided into three different groups, with 260 receiving $6,500 up front and then getting $500 a month for 12 months; another 260 will receive $1,000 a month for 12 months; and the control group of 300 will get a $50-a-month stipend to complete surveys. All participants will also get a free cell phone and a year of service.
I'm not a homeless person, and if you're reading this on your smartphone or computer right now, I doubt you are, either. But the thousands of dollars in no-strings-attached cash has me pondering identifying as a homeless "non-binary" tree nymph during my next trip to Denver.
I do wonder how Denver residents feel about the government just handing out checks to the same homeless people currently making their city unlivable for decent people. I'm sure there's at least a handful who would be irked to find that the bums who keep dropping their morning deuces next to their mailboxes are being paid $12,000 a year for the pleasure. It's not exactly what I'd like to be funding with my taxes.
But then, I'm a conservative in a red state and a small right-leaning city where no one is about to suggest residents do such a thing. Colorado is a different kind of place with a different kind of voter... The blue kind... The not-so-bright kind.
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