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ron desantisAugust 30, 2023
Ron DeSantis gives Hurricane Idaila looters one and only one warning: Florida is 2nd Amendment state
Hurricane Idaila has already been downgraded from a "catastrophic" Category 3 to a Category 1. And while thousands are without power, local scumbags might be encouraged to loot and rob people while their houses are unguarded. Or while you THINK the houses are unguarded. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis highly warns against doing so.
Florida is a law & order state. Also, you might find yourself all Swiss cheese'd up. "I've seen signs in people's yards, and I would say it's probably here, ‘You Loot, We Shoot.’ You never know what's behind that door."
Law and order have been a focal point of the DeSantis administration. Instead of tweeting the words, he passed common sense rioting and looting reform in 2020 to deal with what liberals called the "Summer of Love" and what people without their heads up their rectums called rioting and looting.
Florida sheriffs are also a different breed of cat. They not only support the Second Amendment and for citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights when need be, they straight up encourage it. Don't expect Sheriff Grady Judd, the greatest sheriff in America, to feel bad if you wind up with holes in you stealing from what you thought was an evacuated home.
Judd made that clear last year during Hurricane Ian: "I would highly suggest that if a looter breaks into your home, comes into your home while you are there to steal stuff, that you take your gun and you shoot him. You shoot him so that he looks like grated cheese."
I know that derpity derp, "now is not the time for politics." But, God willing, we'll see an Attorney General Grady Judd under a President DeSantis administration.
Seriously, Florida. In the words of one of the greatest philosophers of the modern era, Matt Kibbe, don't hurt people and don't take their stuff. It shouldn't be this difficult.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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