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Culture WarsOctober 25, 2023
Iceland's Prime Minister Goes On Strike Over Something Called “Gender Equality”
Question for progressives: How can the gender pay gap exist if gender is not real?
It’s nothing new that everyone in the Western world is forced to listen to an endless parade of whining from those who continue to claim they are victims in an effort to stay relevant and get attention.
Obviously, Women are not discriminated against when it comes to wages. We have all the facts and data to back up those claims but we really don't need it to prove our point. Because anyone with half a brain would know that if women earned less than men, why would anyone hire men? Why wouldn’t employers only hire women if it costs less?
Progressives like Icelandic Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdóttir will probably never answer that even though the truth flies right in her lying face of identity politics.
Jakobsdóttir went on strike Tuesday as part of a campaign for gender equality.
Or in other words, she just really needed some attention yesterday.
A nationwide "women's strike" protest was meant to call out pay discrimination, gendered violence, and the general inequality between the sexes. This marked the seventh time that women in Iceland have gone on strike in the name of gender equality, with the first occurring in 1975.
"We have not yet reached our goals of full gender equality and we are still tackling the gender-based wage gap, which is unacceptable in 2023," Jakobsdóttir said, according to Fox News. "I will not work this day, as I expect all the women [in cabinet] will do as well," Jakobsdóttir added.
What does “full gender equality” even mean? Are women going to start becoming plumbers en masse?
I think we all know the answer to that.
Iceland, an island with about 380,000 people just below the Arctic Circle, has been ranked as the world’s most gender-equal country 14 years in a row by the World Economic Forum, which measures pay, education, health care, and other factors.
According to the Word Economic Forum, “Iceland is the only country to have closed more than 90% of the gender gap – and it has lessons for other countries.”
Iceland also has a gender equality act that includes a quota of 40% of women on boards.
I assume men have no such quota. But it’s probably safe to conclude that when they mean equality, that would not include getting rid of special treatment for women.
You know, because we need inequality to get to equality. Which is actually the only way to get equal outcomes. But anything for equity, right?
According to Fox News, Jakobsdóttir's cabinet maintains an equal number of men and women, and Iceland's national parliament hovers just under 50% female.
“As you know, we have not yet reached our goals of full gender equality and we are still tackling the gender-based wage gap, which is unacceptable in 2023. We are still tackling gender-based violence, which has been a priority for my government to tackle,” Jakobsdóttir told news site Iceland Monitor in an interview.
According to CNN, female employees who make up two-thirds of staff in the prime minister’s office all participated in the strike and did not come into work.
You know, to prove a point to the patriarchy or something. Yes, the same patriarchy that is 50% female.
There are a bunch of reasons we all know why the gender pay gap is a myth at best and a total lie at the very least. But the truth is when you take the “average” earnings between the genders, that actually does not take into account the actual job. This means they are comparing engineers to teachers, or apples to oranges.
That’s actually not how you do math. But whatever, go off.
Also, it is still unclear as to what a woman even is.