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ArticlesApril 25, 2019
Idiot Adam Conover Claims 'Beta Males' Aren't Real. Joe Rogan Has Questions...
This one is tough because the idea some men are more appealing to women is a subject too many men on the internet, especially Twitter, find very triggering. As is the notion some women are more appealing to men is triggering to too many women. Equality. Those men are usually guys like Adam Conover who is, above all things, an idiot. Joe Rogan and Adam discussed the idea of alpha vs. beta males and how it's not really true that men like certain qualities in women and women like certain qualities in men. Which is, above all things, idiotic.
Adam is wrong. Joe is right. Women are hardwired to like certain qualities in a man just as men are hardwired to like certain qualities in a woman. It is evolutionary, not about fairness or what makes someone feel good as they're left and right swiping, but about perpetuating the species.
After having worked on the internet for over three years, I've come to realize the laws of attraction greatly offend those who are not attractive. Which explains why fat feminists hate on hot ladies and the men who love them, and why weak, ugly men hate hot men and the "shallow, gold-digging" women who love them. Related: Sorry, Losers! Men Can Like Hot Ladies. Ladies Can Like Successful Men.
If Adam is upset at the branding of "alpha vs beta" that's a fair issue. Many of the guys who describe themselves as "alpha" are actually assholes covering for insecurities, and no one considers themselves beta. But there are men who are greatly more appealing to women, just as there are women who are more appealing to men. This seems pretty self-evident. Yet I find myself repeating it often to carry over the din of whining men and women.
Tell me if I'm wrong, but it seems Adam falls into the beta camp and resists the idea he may not be the first choice on a woman's list. If he wants to be on a woman's list.
And look, I'm not saying our primal drives can't be reasoned with. Women marry men who aren't the strongest of the pack, just as men marry women who aren't Kate Upton. But to toss out the idea of basic human drives as some kind of social conditioning is insane, and leads to the erroneous dogma that biological truths are somehow societal constructs. No.
Just because something isn't fair doesn't mean it's not true, nor that it's oppressive.
But hey, it's Adam Conover, and he's usually wrong.
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