![Is Nancy Pelosi Speaking to Her Imaginary Friend at the SOTU? [VIDEO]](https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=23141050&width=980&quality=85)
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PoliticsFebruary 05, 2020
Is Nancy Pelosi Speaking to Her Imaginary Friend at the SOTU? [VIDEO]
DISCLAIMER: I didn't watch the State of the Union. I find it to be the silliest piece of political theater we're expected to react to. It's worse than hearings or impeachment proceedings. However, I did catch up on a few clips this morning. Speaker Pettylosi (folks, these are the jokes) appeared to be feeling herself. Her programmers obviously installed the Overacting v2.0.1 software patch. But while everyone is focused on her ripping up her copy of the speech — you know, because she hates Trump (see Reporter Asks Pelosi if She “Hates Trump.” She Launches into a Tirade. and Nancy Pelosi Says Trump’s Impeachment is About ‘Patriotism’) — I found this clip to be ... curious.
Hearing voices, Nancy? Maybe it was the Ghost of Tip O' Neill, traveling from beyond to haunt her for the shame and ridicule she has brought to the speaker's chair. Maybe her circuits got crossed with the cable feed. Instead of hearing Trump, she was hearing the House pages watching "My Big Fat Fabulous Life."
Or maybe it was just senility. You know, because she's old AF.
We may never know who Speaker Pelosi thought was talking to her. But we can have fun making up ideas.
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