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Woke CultureDecember 19, 2022
James Cameron doesn't understand why there isn't an empowering female warrior who is six months pregnant
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James Cameron is on the press tour for Avatar 2: Virtue Signal Boogaloo, and my man is trying way too hard. Claiming that men need to purge testosterone from our bodies is one thing. Crapping on masculinity is Filmmaking 101. Cameron is old and most likely past the age where his body makes any testosterone on his own. He's lashing out. I get it. He's still an idiot. But I get it.
The filmmaker has turned his attention to female empowerment lamenting why, with all the female superheroes we see, they are never six months pregnant.
Everybody's always talking about female empowerment. But what is such a big part of a woman's life that we, as men, don't experience? And I thought, "Well, if you're really going to go all the way down the rabbit hole of female empowerment, let's have a female warrior who's six months pregnant in battle."
He then lamented never seeing Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman six months pregnant while they are fighting bad guys. Mind you, this is the same Cameron who on his last feminist rant not only thought Gal Gadot was too hot to be feminist, he was so proud of himself that he felt the need to double down.
It is unclear if James Cameron has ever met a woman who is six months pregnant. WikiPedia says he's been married five times and has four kids. But it's also Hollywood, so none of that means anything.
To answer Cameron's question, there are two reasons why we don't see six-month pregnant women fighting crime. The obvious one is, eww...gross. No one wants to pay money to see that.
The other is even in Sci-Fi/Fantasy, if a female character is six-month pregnant her only concern is protecting the child she is carrying. And the men wouldn't want the six-month pregnant woman going into combat. That means someone else needs to fight Thanos or Darkseid while Wonder Woman relaxes for another twelve weeks.
If James Cameron had any testosterone left, he might know that.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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