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CultureJanuary 28, 2019
Jesse Watters Points Out the Left's Hypocrisy on the Covington School Kids
The Covington kiddos are still making the rounds in the news. As more information comes out, it looks like they're about as guilty of intimidation as Michael Moore is of portion control. That hasn't been stopping the left from going into attack mode on the youngsters.
Jesse Watters was quick to point out the hypocrisy in their course of action.
During Saturday’s edition of Watters’ World, Fox News host Jesse Watters brought up a glaring double standard when it comes to the media’s treatment of children: “Remember the Parkland shooter situation where everybody was going after the students and people immediately said you cannot go after students, you cannot say anything about students, they’re minors?”Watters contrasted the media’s treatment of the Parkland children with their treatment of the Covington kids: “You had the entire mainstream media establishment and celebrities descend on these high school students, smearing them, calling them racist, digging into their backgrounds, digging into the school, and no one said anything. Huge double standard.”
Right-o Jessie, good sir!
The two cases couldn't be any more different. Hogg sought out the spotlight and turned himself into a political operative. It's only fair then for us to be able to criticize him. Besides, I don't recall any conservatives trying to ruin little Davey's reputation. He does a fine enough job of that on his own.
There's a difference between a stick-thin runt who wants to strip people of their constitutional rights and a kid who had the audacity to stand in place and smirk. Lefties were plenty happy to buy the false narrative of Nicholas Sandmann trying to intimidate lying Indian guy. We all know how story turned out.
At least our criticisms of the Hogginator have their foundations in things he's actually said or done. Not wild fantasies of white supremacist kiddos roaming the streets. Just saying.
Speaking of Hoggy: