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PostsApril 21, 2015
Jesus: Not The Wimp Liberals Would Have You Believe...
If I've learned anything from the movies, it's that Jesus was gorgeous... and British.
The fact is that none of us know what Jesus looked like. Far from the Abercrombie model he's made out to be, by all biblical accounts he was nothing special to behold. That was kind of the whole point. Yet, the church missed it. And so did Hollywood.
We do know however, what kind of a man he was. Because when it comes to the savior for all mankind, it's kinda what's on the inside that counts. Yet again, the media, entertainment industry and yes, often the church get it wrong. You've heard it all before.
"Jesus is love! Purely love!"
"Jesus never judged anyone!"
"Jesus came to party with sinners!"
Okay, that last one is actually from Chad, the pothead who rents the basement apartment next door, but you catch my drift. In the year 2015, Jesus has been whitewashed into a hippie to the left of Jerry Garcia. A borderline caricature , nowhere close to resembling the controversial figure that he actually was. Why? Because the lie is often sexier than the truth.
How often do we hear about Jesus absolutely destroying the temple? How often do we hear about Jesus' admonishment and harsh judgment of societally accepted sins? How often do we read about Jesus boldly speaking out against authority and politicians (like the Pharisees and Sadducees)? Well, we should...
...Because he was crucified for it.
You don't sentence a mere "nice guy" to death. You don't kill somebody because jee whiz, people liked him. You don't crucify hippies.
Jesus died because he angered people. A lot of people. He's still angering people today. He was a controversial rebel who questioned the status quo, not the all-accepting flower-child that many now believe him to be. A huge portion of the misconception is the entertainment industry, sure. A large component is the liberal attempt to create an equivalency between Jesus and other religious leaders (hint: none of them claimed to be G0d).
But the worst part of it is the Christians who've allowed the myth to live on for fear of "offending" people. See Christians, think the easiest way to convert nonbelievers is through the warm-fuzzies, not necessarily intellectual honesty. That does everybody a huge disservice. My producer, Dan, is an agnostic. He also happens to be very smart. When you tell a smart person that Jesus is only about love, that the Bible is only about goody-goody fun-time, anyone with a shred of common sense will point toward its sections of R-rated violence. They'll direct you toward Jesus openly proclaiming to not bring peace "but a sword."
Sure, you may be able to convince a few unintelligent people into seeing God as a glorified self-help book, but for those looking to learn and grow, it pays to be honest. Jesus is good, Jesus is just, Jesus is loving... but he's not all-tolerant. And he's certainly not a wimp.
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