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PoliticsJuly 12, 2022
Hispanic Journalist Group Blasts Jill Biden for Calling Them Tacos, Quote: 'We Are Not Tacos'
Jill Biden was sent to give a speech to Hispanic voters. The voting bloc is fleeing the Democratic Party like Californians to Mexico. Though, she spoke at something called a "Latinx IncluXion," proving Democrats still don't understand why they're losing support in the Hispanic community. DOCTOR Jill Biden PHD also compared Hispanics to breakfast tacos, which while delicious, is what some might called resorting to stereotypes in order to pander. Unamused was the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.
DOCTOR Jill Biden PHD's exact quote was “the diversity of this community, as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength.” The NAHJ would like DOCTOR Jill Biden PHD and her handlers to know that, no, they are not tacos.
NAHJ encourages @FLOTUS & her communications team to take time to better understand the complexities of our people & communities.
We are not tacos.
Our heritage as Latinos is shaped by various diasporas, cultures & food traditions.
Do not reduce us to stereotypes. pic.twitter.com/KQIq5gwsht
— NAHJ (@NAHJ) July 12, 2022
"Using tacos to try to demonstrate the uniqueness of Latinos in San Antonio demonstrates a lack of cultural knowledge and sensitivity to the diversity of Latinos in the region."
Notice the lack of the word "Latinx" in their statement. That's because it is the National Association of HISPANIC Journalists and not the National Association of WHITE PROGRESSIVE Journalists.
Please enjoy the source material that caused all this.
By popular demand, the Jill Biden "Tacos" and "Despacito" mashup pic.twitter.com/Uzx6vA8Ki4
— Jorge Bonilla (@BonillaJL) July 11, 2022
And she wonders why her husband wanders off when she talks.
I haven't been to San Antonio since Shawn Michaels' first retirement match in 2000. Maybe the breakfast tacos are, in fact, unique. It's a topic I would avoid because I prefer flour tortillas over corn with my tacos. Admitting so out loud runs the risk of someone's Abuela beating me with her chancleta. See, now THAT'S pandering.
However, more offensive to me wasn't the taco comment as much as... how the deuce does an adult mispronounce "bodegas?" Bo-DAY-gas. Not only is it an easy word, but it's also LITERALLY been in the news twice this month. The first was with the dude bro who got fired for insulting bodegas. The second was the bodega worker who acted in self-defense but is being charged with murder because of Biden's allies in the New York Democratic Party.
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