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ShowJune 09, 2022
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Jimmy Kimmel and Joe Biden Think You're a Big Dumb Idiot
After months of failing to form a single complete and coherent answer to a single question, after driving inflation to record highs, gas prices soaring, grocery store shelves emptying, and an attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice, Biden took time out of his not-so-busy schedule--because, let's face it, he isn't doing a damn thing--to sit down with black-face sporting Jimmy Kimmel to discuss, well, nothing really.
It could have been called a discussion if there was perhaps one true thing spoken, but there wasn't. Biden wasn't expected to say anything of consequence, and Kimmel was primarily there only as a babysitter whose tip at the end of the night depended only on his ability to coax sounds out of Biden's mouth and frame them, as best he could, as if they actually meant something. And seeing as how many on the left are jumping for joy, hopping up and down, and honking happily as they clap like retarded circus seals, Kimmel probably made bank.
Truth be told, however, even when Biden struggled through and formed what could possibly be considered one of those rare full sentences, it was a lie. Every "thought" shared between the two parties was complete and total bullsh*t.
Jimmy Kimmel and Biden Think You're a BIG DUMB IDIOT! | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
Whether it was Biden's push for gun control or the state of the economy, there wasn't a single true statement made the entire night. Furthermore, most of the actual statements spoken were from Kimmel, as he scrambled to help the geriatric old fool beside him look like a not-so cognitively impaired corpse.
But what was so galling about the entire display was the condescending tone these two imbecilic chuckleheads took. Kimmel and Biden--two mouth-breathing window lickers I would venture don't have more than a handful of functioning neurons between them--laughed aloud as they pointed out that it's just because the American people are too stupid, they aren't knowledgeable enough--don't listen to the right people--to understand what a fantastic job Biden and his gang of drooling dingbats have been doing.
You, Americans, are the problem. If only you were smarter, you'd understand that Biden isn't to blame for your fiscal fears--that's because of fairies. If you'd just listen to CNN, you'd know that his administration has had nothing to do with gas prices--that's all Putin's fault--or maybe it's fantastic because we're transitioning to electric vehicles--or maybe it's Putin's fault (really, you should just keep up with CNN to know which it is each day). If you'd just trust late-night hosts like Jimmy Kimmel, you'd realize that your stupid *ss should probably just shut up and vote Democrat from now until the rapture.
Luckily, we don't listen to any of these people, so we know the truth.
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