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joe bidenDecember 27, 2021
Best of 2021: Some of Joe Biden's Most Embarrassing Moments (There Were Many)
Joe Biden has been great for this website. He's been horrible for America. Like, really bad. Even the people who control Joe Biden look at him sometimes and say, "Dear God, what an imbecile." But when you live your life #ForTheContent, President Puddingforbrains was the gift that kept on giving. It's hard to narrow down a top five. Even after eliminating the more serious stuff like how badly Biden mucked up (the border, Afghanistan, the economy) and focused on his more senile and/or dementia-adjacent moments, there was a lot to choose from.
Missing from this list is the alleged bathroom incident. That's because, for reasons that are unclear, I never wrote about that. Yes, I'm embarrassed for me, too.
Let's start with "My Butt's Been Wiped."
Laurel or Yanny? pic.twitter.com/JwChf7yRNC
— Kate Hyde (@KateHydeNY) July 25, 2021
Everyone had fun mocking Biden for, allegedly, saying "My butt's been wiped" to reporters. But what's truly funny isn't how much fun we had with it. It's how super serious CNN's resident "fact" checker took it because laughter isn't allowed. The CNN stooge even slowed down audio to make his case. I'm not saying Joe Biden did, in fact, tell reporters that his butt had been wiped. I'm not saying he didn't. I'm only saying it sounds like something Biden would say.
There was also the time his wife had to treat him like a five-year-old because he either didn't know a microphone was on, or he forgot that he finished his speech. Biden's the leader of the free world, and he needs his wife to scream "LOOK AT ME" like he's a kid who tried to sneak a cookie.
A confused Joe Biden tried to awkwardly talk into microphone over blasting music. pic.twitter.com/Uri7naERti
— The First (@TheFirstonTV) October 18, 2021
Being president is hard work. It's twice as hard when you're a doddering old coot. Biden fell asleep in front of world leaders. Though, let he who hasn't gotten bored at leftists droning on about climate change cast the first stone.
Biden appears to fall asleep during COP26 opening speeches pic.twitter.com/az8NZTWanI
— Zach Purser Brown (@zachjourno) November 1, 2021
Two months later, and we still don't know what the deuce Joe Biden was doing with his hands.
"I’m not sure what to do with my hands” — Ricky Bobby pic.twitter.com/vnqpI28i3M
— Kyle Martinsen (@KyleMartinsen_) October 22, 2021
Finally, there is the time Joe Biden farted in front of the Royal Family. There is no video of the incident, but here is how the Dutchess of Cornhole described the situation, allegedly, to a close friend: "It was long and loud and impossible to ignore," per a source. "Camilla hasn't stopped talking about it."
These were just some highlights from year one of the Joe Biden presidency. I can't wait to see what Biden a year less coherent brings us in 2022.
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