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joe bidenApril 22, 2021
Joe Biden Warns July Fourth May Be Canceled if Americans Don't Do What They're Told
Last month, Joe Biden addressed the American people. We were told if we train, say our prayers, and eat our vitamins, we may be allowed to celebrate the Fourth of July. But only in small groups and only if we do what he tells us to do. I'm sure you remember what he told us to do. I'd say it myself, but I'm trying to work around the Big Tech hall monitors. Biden has been busy for the past month pouring gasoline over racial tensions and creating a crisis on the border where there wasn't a crisis. But don't think the old man has forgotten about July Fourth!
July Fourth is rapidly approaching, but not enough Americans are listening to Biden. And the senile old fart has a warning for Americans.
Biden warns July 4 celebrations are at risk because American adults are largely unvaccinatedyoutu.be
Back on March 11, I outlined a vision of what America could look like by the Fourth of July — an America that was much closer to normal life that we left behind more than a year ago.
To celebrate our independence from this virus on July 4th with family and friends in small groups, we still have more to do in the months of May and June. We all need to mask up until the number of cases goes down, until everyone has a chance to get their shot.
Or what?
It's amazing how little the president of the United States understands the American people. Because last year on the Fourth of July, while he was hiding in his basement, most Americans were celebrating the Fourth of July. Maybe he missed the loud explosions. Or maybe he's just used to blaming loud explosions on the dog. But Americans got together with their friends and family and celebrated regardless of what Anthony Fauci lectured us to do. And that was three months after fifteen days to flatten the curve. It's now ONE YEAR and a month after fifteen days to flatten the curve.
If Biden is really concerned about shot hesitancy, lecturing and threatening Americans isn't going to help the way he thinks it will. Do you know what would help? Taking Anthony Fauci off of television and stop lecturing people on all the things they still can't do even after they get their shots. And also stop with the virtue-signaling over face coverings. When you stand in the middle of an empty field, after getting your shots, and have no one around, yet still wear a mask, you don't look like a leader. You just look like a dick.
We're going to celebrate July Fourth whether Joe Biden is okay with it or not. The more he lectures just means the more of our stimmy that gets spent on fireworks.
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