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joe bidenJuly 02, 2021
Joe Biden Butchers Classic Reagan Line, Also Gets Confused on When the Sun Comes Out
God love him, Joe Biden is worse at reading a script than he is at talking off the cuff. Or, his speech was written stupidly. I can go either way at this point. Biden was trying to take a victory lap over a jobs report that experts are calling "disappointing" and a "gut punch." The White House disagrees. The White House also expects Americans to be excited over the sixteen cents we are allegedly saving.
To make his point about how awesome a job he's doing, Joe Biden attempted to quote a president who actually knew how to speak in public: Ronald Reagan.
BIDEN: "Ronald Reagan was telling us 'It's morning in America.' Well, it's getting close to afternoon here. The sun is coming out." pic.twitter.com/bENEjXQsos
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) July 2, 2021
Ronald Reagan was telling us 'It's morning in America.' Well, it's getting close to afternoon here. The sun is coming out.
You youngbloods should take the time to watch some Reagan clips and compare them to Joe Biden, who is actually a year younger as president. The Zoomer who wrote this speech should have done so. They would have understood the expression. "Morning in America" was from Reagan's popular re-election ad. After four years of Reagan fixing what Jimmy Carter broke, he was implying it was a new day in America.
Jimmy Carter 2.0 is claiming a not-so-good jobs report is his "morning in America" because it was an improvement over his horrible jobs report from a few months ago. Where he discovered paying people not to work is a bad thing.
"It's getting close to afternoon" and the sun is coming out ... dafuq? I'd like to think he knows the sun rises in the MORNING. That's why the analogy worked for Reagan. I'd like to think he's trying to make a comparison between the sun fighting its way through the clouds. Implying the clouds were the first few months of his presidency. I'd like to think that, but I've watched Joe Biden try to speak too many times. He gets confused easily. Confused over words, sentences, where he is, who took a dump in his underpants, etc.
Whatever Joe Biden was trying to say or someone tried writing for him, no. A single jobs report ISN'T "morning in America." That won't be until President DeSantis is running for re-election.
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