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D'oh BidenAugust 15, 2023
Watch: Biden's brain fails him again as he feebly attempts to praise bipartisan... finshalogshun? infalockshum?
Hey boys and girls! Welcome back to another edition of "What Dafuq Did Joe Biden Just Say?" We used to play it all the time in 2020 and Joe's brain has been decomposing for three more years since. We take you now to Milwaukee (Algonquin for "the good land") where Joe Biden gave a speech on Bidenomics. No, "Bidenomics" is not the unintelligible thing he said.
The event started off on a weird note for a competent politician, but par for the course for Joe. He was nowhere to be found. I don't want to say he had another bathroom incident and missed his queue. Other people might say that. But we here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website have the utmost respect for the office of the presidency. Also, the poor junior staffers who are tasked with cleaning Joe up.
The speech was full of authentic misinformation. I don't know what else to say about his claim he cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion. When not even WaPo and CNN can carry water for you and call the claim "bottomless pinocchios" and "bizarro world," Joe might want to go back to blaming everything on Putin.
But the reason I gathered you all here today is this clip. Joe Biden praising bipartisan... who did who in the what now?
We brought in a translator to help, but he was stumped too:
Among the best guesses on the internet: bipartisanspaghettisandwich, Finshalogshun, Infralocture, infoloxin, Infalockshum, and FologshireCanwich.
My best guess is he meant to say "inflation reduction act" but managed to say all three words at the exact same time. Which to be honest, is quite impressive. It's also an odd flex the same week he was caught admitting he lied about the Inflation Reduction Act.
Only the person who loaded the teleprompter knows for sure. Biden sure as heck doesn't. He didn't even know where he was. Or how'd all those people get in his room. Or who pooped in his pants.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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