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joe bidenAugust 11, 2021
Biden Checking if He Has Power to Mandate Schools Force Your Kids to Wear Masks. He Doesn't, But ...
We've seen this movie before. Literally, last week. Joe Biden told income rental property owners to suck it and extended the moratorium on them being allowed to collect rent. Biden said — out loud — that he wasn't sure if it was legal and that courts would probably say it wasn't, but meh. Now President Puddingbrain is "checking" if he has the legal authority to force a nationwide mask mandate in schools. This is to counter people like Ron DeSantis, who, unlike the Biden White House, actually cares about children.
Biden 'Doesn't Believe' He Can Overrule Governors on Masksyoutu.be
REPORTER: Mr. President! That evil Ron DeSantis said he won't follow "the science" as defined by you and the CDC and mandate kids wearing masks. He's only following science and saying parents have the right to choose.
BIDEN: We're looking into forcing a nationwide mandate. I probably don't have the power, but that didn't stop me with the eviction mortatorium.
This isn't about the masks. Even though the studies that are being used to call for mask mandates are flawed. Also, even though Biden's own advisers say the common cloth masks don't work. Also, even though Jen Psaki says shut up and do what the White House says anyway. Masks are theater. Though, if Joe Biden wants to mandate that children wear N95 respirators all day in school, I'd be happy to have the conversation. Or, watch him try to have that conversation while pouring myself a glass of bourbon.
No, this is about the mandate, the reckless way the president skirts the law, and the number of people who are okay with it for no other reason than his name isn't Trump. With the eviction moratorium, Biden consulted with his "experts." Most said he couldn't extend the moratorium. Some said he could. So Biden extended it knowing that by the time courts rules it unconstitutional, it would be too late. Biden relied on the "authority" of the CDC to say evicting people would cause a public health crisis. He got away with that. He's going to try to get away with using it against your children. Again, because his entire agenda is dependent on Americans living in fear.
The only question is when he's going to claim to find an "expert" to tell him he kinda, sorta has the authority to force a nationwide mask mandate. My guess is 5:01 p.m. on the Friday before Labor Day.
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