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joe bidenSeptember 11, 2021
Joe Biden Wanders Off While His Wife's Speaking for Reasons Only Known to Joe Biden
We've all been bored when our wife or lady friend drones on about some nonsense that isn't important. Most of us have the sense to stand there and occasionally say "yes dear." Unfortunately, "have the sense" and "President of the United States Joe Biden" go together as well as Biden administration intel goes with drone striking some random dude packing up his Honda Civic. Joe Biden can sometimes forget where he is. Or, that he's the president. Or, to tell someone he has to make boom-boom before he makes boom boom.
Here he is getting bored while his wife DOCTOR Jill Biden Ph.D. was yapping. So he wandered off.
It was an event about public schools. Any words uttered were most likely written by Biden's benefactors in the teacher's unions. Not unlike how they write the super sciency CDC guidelines that feed Biden's obsession with masking up five-year-olds. Mayhaps Biden already read the script and didn't need to hear it again. The question is, where did he go? I have three theories.
1. Biden thought he saw the ice cream man and got excited. They promised him two scoops of pistachio yesterday. To Biden's disappointment, it was just a homeless guy moving around three cups on an upside-down box. It made Biden sad. He also lost twenty bucks when he couldn't find the marble.
2. Biden saw a little girl with pigtails and was wondering what she smelled like. Thankfully for all involved, there are protocols put in place for when this happens. Secret Service swarmed in to whisk the little girl away to safety. Biden slinked back never knowing if the little girl did in fact smell like strawberries.
3. Biden had to tinkle. What you didn't see off camera was Jen Psaki yelling at him. She asked him if he had to go before they left and Biden said no. Upset because "how dare this soulless ginger talk to the president like that," Biden wet his pants to be spiteful and walked back to the podium.
Of course, I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation why he wandered off. One that the "independent" "fact" checkers will circle the wagons on if they sense conservatives having too much fun with this video. But logic is not why you clicked this link. Nor is logic a word you would ever assign to Joe Biden. We're all just here to laugh at a discombobulated old coot. And forget that he has access to the nuclear codes.
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