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Joe Rogan on Incels: "They Need to Become Men!"
A while back, the New York Times ran a hit piece on Jordan Peterson, with one of their sticking points being Peterson's belief "enforced monogamy" would help the involuntary celibate problem. Peterson was referring not to forcing women to marry incels, but having a society which valued marriage. Joe Rogan disagrees, saying if incels want to get with women, they need to become attractive to women:
I'm throwing my female card down here to say Rogan is right. If you're having problems with women, if you can't get a woman to go out with you, you need to become more attractive to women. Using any of the techniques Joe Rogan just mentioned. Or emulating what men, who have girlfriends/wives, are doing.
Spare me the whining. If you're whining right now, if you're complaining and pointing to this guy or that guy who got women for X, Y, Z reason, you're still the problem. Because your reaction to me saying "Women don't find you attractive for whatever reason" is to bitch about it. It's to complain. Whine. Moan. Instead of actually solving the problem. Your whining doesn't make you a man. It makes you a whiner. No woman finds a whiny little bitch baby attractive.
There is no equivalent of incels for women. If a woman wants to get laid tonight, she can. It doesn't matter if she's ugly. Someone will want to sleep with her. An ugly woman may not have top pick of guys, but she can get laid. Tonight. Tomorrow. Multiple times a night if that's what she wants. Even if she's a dog. We can call this phenomenon "female privilege" if you'd like. Peterson has said repeatedly that women decide whose genes are passed onto the next generation. He's right. Women say yes or no to a man's sexual advances.
Ergo if you want to find a partner, it's up to you to be more attractive to women by being a man. Not by making excuses. Not by complaining about women. Not by whining about being "just a nice guy and nice guys finish last." No. Generally speaking, guys who describe themselves as a "nice guy and that's why I'm not getting women" are actually doucheburgers. They're all over Twitter bitching about women. That's not how women define "nice guys." That is how we describe sexist assholes, though.
Sorry, that was a little bit of a rant. I'm just tired of men who complain about not getting women, then blame and demonize women for not liking them. Follow Rogan's advice. Stop bitching. Grow up. Man up.
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