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PoliticsApril 07, 2022
Black Professor Discusses with Jordan Peterson How Wokeness Drove Him Away From Left-Wing Orthodoxy
There aren’t many academics speaking out against wokeness, but the ones who do are phenomenal. And what’s great about these heterodox thinkers is they are not only different from the usually radical leftists who comprise the professoriate, they’re different than one another. You don’t get the same thing from each one.
Dr. John McWhorter is one of those thinkers who illustrates the kind of variety of thinking so uncommon in the academy at large these days. His book Woke Racism was included on one of my book lists not long ago—I hope everyone took some time to give it a read. And though he’s a self-avowed liberal who has always voted Democrat, he’s a brilliant man, and he breaks from the left on some very important issues.
In fact, parts are very attractive to him intellectually. And he joined one of my other favorite thinkers Dr. Jordan Peterson for a discussion.
[Disclaimer: This conversation is from last September, but the video was just posted to YouTube this week. If the video doesn’t start in the correct spot, relevant comments begin at 29:26.]
How Anti-Racism Is Hurting Black America | John McWhorter & Jordan Petersonyoutu.be
“I found as I came of age, that as I analyzed the sociopolitical things happening around me that concerned race, that I didn’t agree with what was supposed to be the default kinds of assumptions. And I found that my assumptions which […] were considered repulsive, inappropriate, naïve, or conservative.”
“My views, if anybody were to bother to read the work that I’ve been doing for what I hate to say is 20 years now, they’d see I don’t disagree with any of the things that you would consider to be the liberal orthodoxy except when it comes to a certain plangent view of race relations where the idea is that the proper black thing to do is to cry weakness rather than look for solutions. […] That’s considered a conservative take.”
[If you have the time, watch through 40:00. If you have even more time, watch the entire discussion. It’s great.]
I think everyone who seriously examines the state of human relations, whether it be between different races or sexes or whatever, cannot help but agree with McWhorter. See, we don’t have to agree about everything. There are things all good people can simply agree on, and the oppressor-oppressed narrative perpetuated by the left and taught in our schools is something we can all find intellectually abhorrent.
The entirety of Peterson’s talk with McWhorter is fascinating. I’ve appreciated McWhorter’s thoughts since college—I’ve read a bit of his work in linguistics—and he’s no less brilliant than he is on these matters.
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