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ComedyJune 16, 2021
Doctor Attacks Jon Stewart, Claims He's Damaging Science by Telling Jokes
Jon Stewart went against a popular leftist narrative and told jokes on Monday. The reaction was as predicted. Conservatives appreciated the craftsmanship and quality of the joke and found bringing "humor" back to late-night was a refreshing change of pace. Liberals got upset because conservatives were enjoying something and blamed Jon Stewart for it. Also, the comedian expressed an opinion they don't like, which is a big no-no for progressives. And while woke Twitter having sore hindparts is always good for laughs, let's talk about Dr. Peter Hotez.
Dr. Hotez is an expert in the field of a certain V-word that gets you dinged on Facebook. According to this guy, Jon Stewart wasn't just problematic. What he said was damaging to the entire science community.
Jon Stewart's COVID Lab Rant Hurts Frontline Scientists, Says Dr. Peter Hotez | TMZyoutu.be
They're putting the entertainment value of this over and above what's reality.
The reality is Jon Stewart's an entertainer and in his role as a comedian, he was doing a comedic bit.
It causes a lot of damage because a number of scientists who work on coronaviruses including myself feel that we're being under attack. It's tone-deaf to the collateral damage that it has on scientists in the scientific community.
Let's take a quick detour because you hear this "attack on the science community" bunk a lot. Tony claims that if you attack him, it's an attack on science as well. No one during the course of the last sixteen months plus fifteen days has criticized science, "the" science, or scientists. Our issue has been with government. The CDC? A government agency of unelected bureaucrats. The NIH? A government agency of unelected bureaucrats. The WHO? While saying they're the greatest of the British Invasion bands would normally be appropriate, in this case, a GLOBAL government agency of unelected bureaucrats. No one was attacking the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Some of us questioned the decisions made by people we never voted for.
As for Jon Stewart and the five minutes about Wuhan heard around the world, can we please stop classifying comedy bits as "rants"? Part of it is liberals' own fault. They're the ones who misconstrued Jon Stewart as a journalist instead of a comedian, which has skewed the way they've viewed comedy ever since. Any time he says anything they disagree with, they cry and complain because "OMG JON STEWART HOW COULD YOU???" When all this time, Jon Stewart has always just been a comedian. A brilliant comedian. One of the best to ever do it. But just a comedian.
Saying Stewart doing an expertly crafted comedic bit is "damaging to the science community" doesn't say much about the science community. You can say that about a lot of the self-appointed spokespeople of the science community as well.
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Lab-Leak Theory: BASED Jon Stewart VS COWARDLY Stephen Colbert | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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