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SourcesSeptember 07, 2022
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Hollywood elites are running their mouths. Jennifer Lawrence checks under her bed for Tucker Carlson, and Olivia Wilde proves she knows nothing about the preeminent psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson. And the left continues to police speech and punish those who refuse to parrot their lies.
- In a new interview, Jennifer Lawrence said she had recurring nightmares about Tucker Carlson. SOURCE: Vogue
- Lawrence also described the rift that has arisen with her family because of politics: SOURCE: Vogue
- “I just worked so hard in the last five years to forgive my dad and my family and try to understand: It’s different. The information they are getting is different. Their life is different.”
- “I’ve tried to get over it and I really can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry I’m just unleashing, but I can’t fuck with people who aren’t political anymore. You live in the United States of America. You have to be political. It’s too dire. Politics are killing people.”
- Lawrence also described the rift that has arisen with her family because of politics: SOURCE: Vogue
- Recall Lawrence has stated in the past she was “a little Republican,” before Trump. SOURCE: People
- "I grew up Republican. My first time voting, I voted for John McCain. I was a little Republican."
- She also expressed pro-gun sentiments to Rolling Stone in 2012 saying: SOURCE: Rolling Stone
- “[I’m thinking of buying a house.] And a big dog. And a shotgun.”
- In an interview promoting her new movie “Don’t Worry Darling,” director Olivia Wilde revealed the antagonist was based on “insane man” Jordan Peterson. SOURCE: RollingStone
- Discussing Chris Pine’s character, Wilde told Maggie Gyllenhaal: SOURCE: Interview
- “We based that character on this insane man, Jordan Peterson, who is this pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community. You know the incels?”
- Discussing Chris Pine’s character, Wilde told Maggie Gyllenhaal: SOURCE: Interview
- As you’ll see, Wilde’s attacks on Peterson are not only false, they are complete projections, and show how terrible of a person she is.
CLAIM #1: Jordan Peterson is a champion for the incels or the ‘involuntarily celibate.’
- Wilde describes incels like this:
- “They’re basically disenfranchised, mostly white men, who believe they are entitled to sex from women.”
- “And they believe that society has now robbed them—that the idea of feminism is working against nature, and that we must be put back into the correct place.”
- TRUTH: Jordan Peterson has little sympathy for incels or those who blame their troubles on women. SOURCE: Instagram
CLAIM #2: Jordan Peterson is a pseudointellectual.
- TRUTH #1: JP is a highly accomplished psychologist. SOURCES: UniversityOfToronto, ChrisVacc, JordanPeterson
- Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Toronto.
- Published more than 100 scientific papers
- Top 50 most cited clinical psychologists of all time.
- 18,731 citations
- Lectured at:
- Harvard
- Oxford
- Cambridge
- Chancellor of Ralston College
- If you want an actual example of a pseudointellectual, look no further than Wilde’s boy-toy, Harry Styles, trying to describe HIS OWN MOVIE. SOURCE: YouTube CLIP_C
- JP for his part responded to Wilde’s criticism. SOURCE: NationalPost
- “Now, (Pine) has a reputation as quite an attractive man … so that could be worse.”
- “I also hope that Chris Pine at least does the sartorial splendor of my very formal public wardrobe justice as he pillories me in the latest bit of propaganda disseminated by the woke, self-righteous bores and bullies who now dominate Hollywood, and who insist that the production of such tripe.”
- TRUTH #2: Peterson often describes chaotic, unfaithful women exactly like Olivia Wilde. SOURCE: YouTube
- During filming, Wilde cheated on her fiance Jason Sudekis.
- NOTE: she has two kids with Sudeikis AND she was with him for ten years. SOURCES: Stylecaster, U.S.Magazine
- “I can tell you for a fact that Flo (Florence Pugh) seeing Olivia and Harry all over each other on set did not go down well as Olivia was still with Jason when she first hooked up with Harry,”
- She also lied about why Shia LeBeouf was replaced, calling him combative: SOURCE: GQ
- LeBeouf posted text messages showing she was lying. SOURCE: GQ
- Her entire movie seems to be a feminist fever dream. SOURCE: YouTube
- Women’s time spent on household chores has fallen 44% since 1976. SOURCE: NSF
- A study by the American Economic Association showed women’s levels of happiness have sharply declined. SOURCE: AmericanEconomicAssociation
- “The lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years by many objective measures, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men.”
- More men won’t get married. SOURCE: Evie
- “Men are not marrying because [...] the rewards for getting married are far less than they used to be, while the cost and dangers of it are far higher.”
- “Divorce rates are sky-high: 45% of marriages end in divorce, and women initiate 80% of them.”
- There was an entire anti-suffrage movement comprised of women who didn’t want to vote. SOURCE: TIME
- Scandinavian study, SOURCE: TheJournal.ie
- Countries with the highest gender equality and social programs show less parity in STEM fields.
- CONCLUSION: Hollywood elites HATE JP because he rejects the trash they try to sell.
- On Sept. 5, Enoch Burke, a teacher at Wilson’s Hospital School in Ireland, was arrested and sent to prison. SOURCE: DailyMail
- He was arrested for violating a court order to not teach or be present at the school.
- The origin of the court-enforced suspension comes from refusing to address a “transitioning” student by “they.” SOURCE: DailyMail
- Burke stated, SOURCE: DailyMail
- “It is insanity that I will be led from this courtroom to a place of incarceration, but I will not give up my Christian beliefs.”
- Burke stated, SOURCE: DailyMail
- Jordan Peterson predicted this kind of result in his original opposition to bill C16 in Canada: SOURCE: YouTube
- People punished for speech:
- In the UK, a guy was jailed and charged with hate speech for singing “Kung Fu Fighting.” SOURCE: NBC
- A recent trial in Finland attempted to convict a Finnish MP and a Bishop of hate speech for citing the Bible. SOURCE: ADFInternational
- A Kansas teacher was suspended for refusing to use preferred pronouns. SOURCE: Newsweek
- The only thing standing between more punishment for speech is the constitution.
- Examples of leftist politicians trying to legislate compelled speech.
- Canada’s Bill C-16
- Ireland
- Examples of leftist politicians trying to legislate compelled speech.
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