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ComedyJanuary 11, 2021
Two Leftists Debate Which of Them Hates Free Speech More
Satire works best when it's absurd. You take a nugget of truth, then blow it out to all kinds of ridiculous conclusions. Unfortunately, the far left has killed satire. It keeps growing harder to think of something to lampoon them that they haven't actually said. Take this video, for instance. The characters in this video barely sound any different than the IRL leftists in our lives. It's not as funny when they say it though.
What Leftists Think About Freedom of Speechyoutu.be
How many people have [redacted virus that's in the news] killed?
And how many people have free speech killed?
One point of rebuttal. People already have the freedom to poop wherever they want. It's a magical place called California.
At the risk of being called pro-riot (spoiler: I'm not), people have gotten way too comfortable with censorship. It's no longer enough to shrug your shoulders. People are celebrating when anyone they disagree with gets deplatformed. Serves them right for not vocally opposing Trump hard enough! Any disagreement gets blue-checked media figures calling for you to be banned. Twitter has gone so over the top, German Prime Minister Angel Markel called the company out for it. Let me repeat that. Twitter's censorship is so bad, it offended Germany. GERMANY!
People are scared after Wednesday and are lashing out at anyone who so much as said "I liked Trump's tax cuts." I'm of two minds on how to respond. The obvious thing is to push back hard because history is littered with examples of what happens when free speech isn't vigorously defended. But on the other hand, I think the people orgasmic over people they don't like being censored need to learn a valuable lesson the hard way. Eventually, in the end, the angry mob will turn on them as well.
Not Easy To Watch (Rocky IV Parody) | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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