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ComedyJuly 18, 2021
Comedian Helps Morons Who Hate America Understand Why They're Morons
JP Sears is a mensch. He noticed there are a lot of morons who hate America. There are also morons who think what's happening in Cuba isn't because of communism and who think women have weiners. But there are only so many morons you can help at one time. Sears wants to help the morons who hate America while still living in America understand just how awesome America is.
Helping Morons Understand Why America Is Awesome!youtu.be
While America is not without its faults, you probably masturbated on your mother's couch before. So you're definitely not without your faults either. Sicko.
I've been laughing at that line all weekend.
Because we're all equals according to the Constitution, you should know that your virtue signaling doesn't make you a better person than anyone else. So you can stop doing it. Unless you want to continue looking like a moron. Which you're free to do because this is America.
The caveat is that you're free ... for the time being. Joe Biden -- who yes, is a moron -- doesn't enjoy Americans having free speech as much as our founding fathers did. He also thinks Americans yield our rights to the government, and that Facebook is a giant-killing machine. There are a lot of morons who agree with him. It's how he got elected. Morons can smell their own.
If you have a special moron in your life you're trying to help, make sure they pay close attention to the segment on guns. "Guns are bad because people with guns who want to take my guns told me so." Joe Biden, or at least the people who run Joe Biden, aren't shy about coming after guns. They've been distracted for the past week. Diverting attention into taking away your right to free speech or ability to make personal medical decisions for yourself. They'll be back for guns though. Because they know enough people are morons who believe only the government who wants to take your guns away should be allowed to have guns.
You're obviously someone who is not a moron. You're no doubt someone who's pro-America AF. But you may know someone who is a moron, and an anti-American one at that. Show them this video. They may not realize that they've been a moron this whole time. If we can get through to them, that's one less moron to vote for the bigger morons who currently run our government. We all have to do our part!
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