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ComedyJanuary 06, 2021
JP Sears Introduces You to the Actual PC Police and it's Worse Than You Imagine
Bad zi's, Bad zi's,
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they cancel you?
You've heard about the PC Police for decades. Ever since the invention of political correctness in the 1990s. It was a confusing time for those of us entering college. Everything we knew about higher education came from the movies. College was going to be one wild party. Then you attended your first day of classes and discovered how much you sucked because you were a white male. That was because of the PC Police! Only, the "PC police" wasn't an actual division of law enforcement. It was more a way to describe those who practiced the religion of political correctness. Or so I thought! As my personal life coach JP Sears shows us, the PC Police is a real person. It's this guy!
I realize this is satire. But if there was an actual PC police, this is who I would picture.
The PC Policeyoutu.be
I invented cancel culture! Then I got big tech on board with my ways. Then I got politicians on board. Then I got a guy into office. Now your constitutional right will be taken away at the highest level! The Constitution will be canceled. Then everyone loses, which means I win!
Ah, cancel culture. Where the kids who were picked on for being PC pu$ies all got Twitter accounts and jobs at tech blogs. It was no longer about controlling what you say. Now it was about destroying your livelihood for saying it. A PC police state, if you will. Where cops wearing those shorts kick down your door, bust you for watching a contraband copy of Blazing Saddles and listening to an old copy of Eddie Murphy's Delirious. It all sounds like a bad movie I'm wondering why I haven't started writing yet.
All joking aside, I know JP is pretty shredded. But if any officer of any law showed up at my house dressed like that, I'd be too busy laughing to notice they were trying to arrest me.
MugClub's 2020 Greatest Hits | Louder with Crowderyoutu.be
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