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PoliticsApril 02, 2022
Kamala Harris Dodges on Russia Regime Change Question With 2 Minutes of Remarkable Gibberish
Joe Biden spent last weekend calling for regime change in Russia. Or that's what critics think he said. Also, some of our allies. It was a confusing time. As it turns out, Biden was just ripping another wet brain fart, and no, he wasn't calling for regime change. It only sounded like it kinda. This weekend it is Kamala Harris' turn to answer the chat with her trademark, glass ceiling-shattering gibberish.
Joy Reid asked her what she thought about Biden's comments, even though the issue was settled, and the vice president answered as only she can.
"Which is why our policy from the beginning has been about ensuring that there are going to be real costs exacted against Russia in the form of severe sanctions, which we know are having a real impact and immediate impact, not to mention the longer-term impact, which is about saying there is going to be consequence and accountability when you commit the kinds of atrocities that he is committing."
Ah, yes. The sanctions. The same sanctions that between Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Tony "Hey" Blinken, and others in the White House, no one can figure out if the sanctions were supposed to work or nah. The question also wasn't about sanctions. But Harris answers the questions her handlers prepared for her. Not so much the questions she's been asked.
"I've been to Poland. I was in Romania—I've been to Europe, I think, probably at least three times in the last four months. I was in Munich, Germany [...] I was in France before that."
You could tell by the look on Joy Reid's face that she felt she was giving Kamala a lay-up. And sixty seconds in is thinking to herself, "Damn, how is she so bad at this?"
The dumbest thing is I thought we settled PutinRegimeChangeGate? Biden said a puddingheaded thing as he is prone to do, what with his brain being 72% tapioca. The White House walked it back. They gave him a notecard that reminded him that he's not calling for regime change in case he gets confused again. Asking Kamala Harris about this now is a) setting her up to fail, and b) risks causing more confusion in an already confused White House. And MSNBC is supposed to like the Biden Administration!
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