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Woke CultureMarch 10, 2022
School Blasted After Kids Make Alleged 'White Power’ Hand Gesture at a Hockey Game. SPOILER: They Didn't
The left couldn’t care less who gets caught up in their narrative to call everything and anything racist. So long as it pushes their agenda, everyone is a possible target, even a couple of elementary school kids.
Situated not far from St. Floyd, Minnesota, or what Minneapolis would be called if the left had its way, in New Prague, a few elementary kids have gotten themselves in hot water for flashing the OK symbol at a hockey game. And though everyone with a functioning brain understands that there’s absolutely nothing racist about making the hand gesture, the left refuses to let this thing go.
This is the third racist incident involving New Prague in weeks, Super said this tonight: \u201cWhen questioned the students did not understand what the signal meant. They were mimicking something they saw at an earlier hockey game on the big screen..(1/2)https://twitter.com/Lionel_Hutz_Esq/status/1501712478924947461\u00a0\u2026— janashortal (@janashortal) 1646885171
Jana Shortal is a journalist with KARE 11 and has nothing better to do than amplify this ridiculous story of some kids goofy around.
A statement from the superintendent, the Washington Examiner reports, stated, “While we know this is very upsetting to many, please be assured we feel confident that the students were not intending to send a message of white supremacy when they made the gesture.” The kids said they saw someone use it at a previous game and decided to copy them.
Anyone who wasn’t born five seconds ago understands why someone would put this symbol up for a camera. It’s a game!
But this rather innocent, albeit comically violent, game has been the focus of leftist anger for some time, ever since the link to white supremacy was created out of whole cloth on 4chan.
Now, the other two incidences Shortal is referencing may very well have been racist in nature. I read up on them. But that’s part of the problem. The issue with blanketing anything and everything racist is that it’s impossible to take it seriously what something is called racist.
Find a legitimately racist incident, and you’ll have no shortage of good people standing up to say it’s wrong. But tar and feather a couple of kids being kids… Or really a benign gesture in general, and you’re going to lose all those good people, and they won’t be quick to want to help you later.
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