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Culture WarsMay 15, 2022
Teacher Sends Kindergarten Students Home With Homework to List Best Places in Their Houses to Masturbate
When the left launched a coordinated disinformation campaign against Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill, they claimed the bill was about not letting teachers say "gay." They then went on the attack over the word "groomer." The bill's ACTUAL goal is to outlaw incidents like this one that happened in Canada. It doesn't say "gay." It does, however, say "masturbate" and "kindergarten." Four-year-olds were reportedly given this homework assignment on touching their private body parts.
An angry parent at the school contacted Libs of TikTok, directing her to a Facebook post. An infuriated parent shared a homework assignment with which her four-year-old was sent home.
There is a lot to be outraged with here. I'd argue that if you have to explain to someone that masturbation is "touching your own private parts," that person is too young for such an assignment. Though, if I had to hone in on one area I find the most offensive, it's DRAW A PICTURE OF THE PRIVATE PLACES WHERE YOU CAN TOUCH YOUR PENIS OR YOUR VULVA IF YOU WANT TO. I don't care if you call this grooming or not. I only care that CPS is called and this teacher is kept fifty yards away from schools.
The worksheet is adapted from a book called Body Smart: Right From the Start, targeting kids aged 3-7. NOTE: The exact age group Florida wants to protect. The description of the book says it's meant to "guide parents through the foundations of body safety and keeping kids safe from sexual abuse." The teacher assigned this worksheet. To four-year-olds.
The person who alerted LoTT to this followed up and said the school knew nothing about it, but it's investigating. The program was supposed to be about "good touch, bad touch" and let kids know no one is allowed to touch them. IF true (I can't say I trust the school), this teacher took that and assigned this worksheet about having kids tell about and draw a picture of where they masturbate. Four-year-old children.
Critics of parental choice bills refuse to say when they think it's appropriate to sexualize kids and default back to the misinformation campaign against these bills. Supporters of parental choice bills know these workbooks are out there and teachers' union members share the same ideology as the sick people who promote them. It makes you wonder when critics think it's appropriate for an adult to ask their kids where they masturbate in their homes.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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