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ArticlesJanuary 08, 2018
Now the U.K. is Suffering from a 'Knife Violence' Epidemic...
U.K. peeps said bye-bye to their hand-cannons a long time ago. Gun bans were going to make crime a thing of the past and Miss America's dreams of peace and love a reality. Except, that's not how the real world works. Instead, crooks swapped their blasters for knives and kept right on crooking. Now, the government is calling "knife violence" an epidemic.
The head of Scotland Yard has thrown her weight behind the idea that knife crime should be treated as a public health crisis rather than purely a crime.Speaking to the London assembly, Cressida Dick argued that persistent levels of knife-related violence required a preventative program to help reduce the number of deaths and injuries from attacks.
Her comments came only days before three fatal attacks on New Year’s Eve and a fourth on New Year’s Day, killings that pushed the total number of fatal stabbings last year in London to 80.
“I know that the government have a cross-departmental committee that meets to talk about violent crime, knife crime – the seeds are there. But this is something that goes beyond the Home Office, way beyond policing. It is a public health issue, it’s an epidemic.”
Is it just me, or does that sound like the beginnings of knife control. Poor Britons. Pretty soon, there's going to need a background check, length and sharpness restrictions, and a fourteen day waiting period. Just to chop up your steak.
I thought gun control was supposed to end violence altogether and usher in world peace. Seeing as high-capacity lead-slinging devices hypnotize people into taking up lives of crime. You mean to tell me the criminal dickweeds traded in their gats for blades instead of retiring and turning to Christ?
This just goes to show leftists never learn their lesson. Violence will always be a thing, no matter the tool. Regulating acid and banning youtube videos are exercises in futility.
While we're on the subject: