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FeminismMarch 11, 2022
Watch: Woman Has Meltdown in Walmart, Screams Black Lives and Her 'P****' Both Matter
All the stupid, woke holidays annoy me. I mean, do we really need a day set aside for every single intersectional group? The straight white guys don’t get their own day, of course, but I don’t want one. I don’t want any of them. If there was a perfect way to celebrate such a ridiculous holiday as “International Women’s Day,” though, this wacko may have just found it.
Like the holiday itself, this woman is ignorant, insane, and does absolutely nothing to further whatever cause she’s about because, well, she’s ignorant and insane. Not much about her outburst makes sense, but you can judge for yourself.
“She seems primarily concerned with two things as she as she clearly […] displays her certifiable insanity.”
Crazy Lady Loses It in Walmart! Happy International Women's Day! | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com
Did you catch that? She really wants you to know that 1.) “black lives matter,” and 2.) her p*ssy matters. Now, what these two things have to do with tossing candles around a Walmart is a mystery to me. Perhaps she’s just emulating, albeit on a very tiny scale, the destruction caused by her favorite movement. Who really knows?
The second part of her chant is also quite strange. Maybe she’s making the connection between BLM and the fact that it was founded by a bunch of lesbians… No, seriously. Fact. Go look it up, homeskillet. Regardless, her strange, pseudo-feminist outrage is peculiar, to say the least.
“She was looking for the Gwyneth Paltrow vagina candle to fool somebody she was having over later, and they were completely out of stock.”
What was this woman’s malfunction? No clue. Frankly, I couldn’t care less. She succeeded only in making herself look like a lunatic and destroying a few dollars’ worth of candles. Then again, she may have also mauled the assistant manager who eventually had to put a stop to her nonsense. Hopefully, the manager had up-to-date rabies shots.
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