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ArticlesDecember 05, 2016
WATCH: 'Last Man Standing' Brutally Mocks College Liberals
If you're a regular here at LwC, you should know how seriously we don't take microaggressions (see Nailed It: College Professor Perfectly Explains Why ‘Generation Snowflake’ is so Wimpy…). Mostly on account of us having jobs.
You know who else doesn't have time for avoiding microaggressions? Mike Baxter of "Last Man Standing." When the subject came up on last week's episode, he wasn't impressed...
Mandy: No, uh, you can't say "Ladies and gentlemen," because it excludes those who don't identify as either.Mike: Hmm. But those are the only two choices.
Mandy: No, not anymore. You just have to keep it gender-neutral, okay? Please continue.
Mike: "Hey, everybody." "America is the land of opportunity. I stand before you as --"
Mandy: Stop! Okay, by saying that America's the land of opportunity, you are implying that everyone has the same opportunities.
Mike: I'm not implying it. I'm saying it. If you live here and you work hard, you can succeed. That's how this works.
Mandy: Uh...yeah, that one's on here, too. It hurts the feelings of those who work hard and don't succeed.
This episode hits the nail on its soft skulled head. Though to be fair, wimpy college snowflakes make themselves an easy target. It's in their dewy-eyed, bovine nature.
Hilarity aside, sketches like this are beginning to hit a little too close to home (see Hampshire College Fights Racism... By Getting Rid of American Flag?). In this instance, Mike Baxter was asked to give a speech to a bunch of adult business majors. He couldn't say things like "America is the land of opportunity" or "if you work hard, you'll succeed." That is, lest he trigger the sniveling snot goblins.
It's in this way that "Last Man Standing" touches on the suckiest of realities - the left forces everyone to cater to their whims. You have to edit yourself to abide by their arbitrary set of rules. You know, because tolerance. You should be open minded to their beliefs. But the idea that hard work gets you places - like out of the safe space and into the work force? Too triggering to handle. The idea must be quashed thusly!
Blubbering college milksops are the worst...
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