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AbortionFebruary 17, 2019
Leftist Op-Ed Compares Pro-Life Advocates to Anti-Vaxxers
Just when you think you've heard it all, some air-headed lefty swoops in to take stupidity to new heights. According to this op-ed, pro-lifers and anti-vaxxers are two peas in an anti-factual pod.
I sh*t you not:
Parents in my clinic refuse vaccines out of fear for the health of their child, but their fear is misplaced. They should fear the life-threatening illnesses which have largely been eradicated from the modern world, not the side effects of vaccines that are either rare or misstated.The same is true for legal abortion. The fear that millions of women would choose abortion on a whim or because they “changed their mind” is unfounded. What people should fear is women not having access to this procedure which continues to save lives.
Some misconstrue the data regarding vaccines. In the anti-abortion movement, a similar aversion to facts seems to dominate. The term pro-life assumes binary opinions and presumes anyone who does not prescribe is “anti-life.” In my experience, all health-care providers are pro-life as the mission is for people to live.
I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what pro-lifers and anti-vaxxers have in common. Being pro-life simply means you think brain-sucking babies to death is a no bueno. That "shouting your abortion" is a major dick move. It's a position of principle or morals.
Anti-vaxxers think vaccines are secret CIA mind control drugs that'll turn your healthy kiddo into Rain Man. It's not like pro-lifers are out there cooking up super-secret plots by abortionists to sell baby parts. Though, that's because they don't have to cook them up. Hidden cameras proved that one true ages ago.
Having moral qualms about abortion is perfectly legit. This leftist douchemeister is lumping pro-lifers in with anti-vaxxers because she has no real means of arguing against the pro-life position. It's a cheap trick, and it ain't working. Try again.
While we're on the subject: