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ArticlesJanuary 20, 2019
Leslie Jones Becomes Furious Over Unveiling of New Ghostbusters Reboot
You might have heard about the upcoming Ghostbusters sequel/reboot. The folks over at Sony are kicking it old school and returning to the original universe. As in that ungodly clusterf**k of a remake is returning to the nearest convenient parallel dimension.
Now, there's a part of me who's not crazy over endless sequels and reboots. On the other hand, the eight-year-old kid in me is only concerned with scoring a pair of those sweet coveralls and a proton pack for opening night. Leslie Jones, however, isn't feeling the re-reboot at all. She took to the Twitters and blew a gasket.
In response to the news that Jason Reitman's new Ghostbustersproject will continue the story that began with Ivan Reitman's 1984 original and its 1989 sequel, and ignore the female reboot from director Paul Feig in 2016, Leslie Jones, a cast member from the latter, has voiced her disappointment on social media.The comedian took to Twitter on Saturday in a post that said, "So insulting. Like fuck us. We dint count. It’s like something trump would do. (Trump voice) ”Gonna redo ghostbusteeeeers, better with men, will be huge. Those women ain’t ghostbusteeeeers” ugh so annoying. Such a dick move. And I don’t give fuck I’m saying something!!"
Not really sure how Trump factors into this. I suppose to a lefty like Leslie, Trump is eviler than Vinz Clortho, Zuul, Gozer the Gozerian, and that guy from the painting Part 2. Responsible for all the bad things. Me, I'm failing to see the connection.
I know Les would like to yell "we came, we saw, we kicked its ass," but the truth is most people weren't crazy about her flick. So, the studio is going to take the franchise in a direction people will like. A direction that doesn't conclude with the Wokebusters crossing their streams into the patriarchy's beanbag.
Hopefully, these Hollywood types will get Ghostbusters right this time and leave the politics out of it. We want ghosts going into traps and Bill Murray one-liners. Not two hours of unfunny "girls rule, boys drool" humor.
Speaking of movies: