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AbortionSeptember 13, 2022
Against pro-life advocate Lila Rose, leftists are out-classed and out-gunned: 'It is a scientific fact'
I don't know what Dr. Phil was thinking when he invited Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, onto his program. I'm pretty sure he wasn't thinking at all. To repurpose a quote you'll hear from Lila Rose, it is a scientific fact that Dr. Phil wasn't prepared to be b*tch-slapped with facts when he invited Rose on his show. Much like how Matt Walsh metaphorically skull-dragged a couple of "transgender" activists on the program a while back, Rose just did the same to Dr. Phil himself! (h/t Twitchy)
This is magnificent!
Dr Phil: "There is no consensus amongst the scientific community that life begins at conception"
Lila: That's simply inaccurate. 96% of biologists affirm this fact.
Dr Phil: "You keep speaking over me and that's because I assume you don't want me to finish my thought" pic.twitter.com/Y0MajcDOWF
— Live Action (@LiveAction) September 13, 2022
One has to enjoy the way Phil is incapable of actually defending himself. His inner monologue must be a pathetic mantra, "Just keep saying 'the science' and then deny science." This is becoming the most popular of leftist tactics. They do it for abortion in denying when life begins--which is verifiable scientific fact. They do it for "transgenderism," denying the unquestionable reality of the gender binary AND forwarding a delusion that human beings can spontaneously, magically, switch between genders if they so feel like it. And they are still doing it where COVID is concerned, and we see just how damaging that has been!
But Rose doesn't just figuratively drop Dr. Phil. When an audience member is given the opportunity to go batty with her rehearsed leftist talking point, Lila reloads and let's rip again--and with the same measured poise as before that only comes when you can be certain all the evidence rests on your side.
.@LilaGraceRose powerfully responds to abortion advocate on @DrPhil:
"Laws are meant to protect the weak. Who is the weakest in our society? A child.
Whether you live 10 minutes, 10 years, or 100 years, you're a human and have the right to not be killed."
RT! pic.twitter.com/IkzDnjRRXs
— Live Action (@LiveAction) September 12, 2022
"Our fundamental right, that we all share in this room, is life."
Mic drop. Nothing else need be said.
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