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CultureDecember 30, 2020
Top 5 Mask Supporter Meltdowns of 2020 - Facebook Safe
2020 introduced us to new phrases. Curbside pickup. Zoom Happy Hour. Peaceful protester. But a personal favorite of mine is the mask...this is the Facebook safe version. Think of people you have seen who are passionate about wearing masks. Think of the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. If you choose to put the two together and use the search function on this website, that's on you.
We've had many a laugh at the expense of these people who are uber passionate about wearing masks. I've narrowed it down to my five favorites. Honorable mention goes to the kid who wanted to wear a Hooters mask to the fifth grade. Obviously, he's not the villain in that story. But I felt he deserved a shout-out.
We'll start with this guy, who is masking up all wrong. He's outdoors in the middle of nowhere. He's yelling at maskless hikers who are hiking in the middle of nowhere. Also, he's not wearing a mask himself. Bonus douche points for trying to share the virus he claims to allegedly have.
“I have COVID," this man in Ashburnham says as he spits in the direction of two women taking a hike Sunday afternoon. Based on a verbal confrontation early in the video, he was upset the women were not wearing a mask while hiking. Now police are looking for him. #WBZ pic.twitter.com/kLR9dcPd6W
— Kristina Rex (@KristinaRex) November 20, 2020
Legs here is a more recent one. What I like here isn't so much him being a batsh!t crazy wackadoodle. But because it took place in December — nine months after fifteen days to flatten the curve — no one came to his aid. If anything, the other masked people were defending the maskless woman. It seems a lot of people are tired of guys like this.
What is wrong with people?
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) December 15, 2020
We go back to the great outdoors, where a woman was expecting someone to be wearing a mask while eating a burrito. Words were yelled. Coffee was thrown. But the highlight is when the maskless burrito eater stood up and beat the crap out of the woman's boyfriend. Who then called the cops.
Karen and Kevin Throw Hot Coffee At Man For Not Wearing a Maskyoutu.be
Please don't think only Americans are uber passionate about wearing masks. Let's travel up north to America Junior. Home of poutine, socialized health care, and Pantelis. One guy just wanted to get a slice of pizza. The other guy looked like he got shoved in a locker too much as a kid.
A Toronto man destroyed a pizza display because another customer was not wearing a mask 😱-📹 u/RxdditRoamxr #Toronto #COVIDIOT #COVID19Ontario pic.twitter.com/4ks86Lbh35
— blogTO (@blogTO) July 31, 2020
That brings us to my favorite. Which I guess makes it my least favorite. We all have internal struggles. It helps to remember that when you confront someone who might not be in the best of moods. Show a little grace and patience and crap like that. Though I do wonder what went wrong in this person's life that made her yell "I hope you die" in a little girl's face.
This woman literally looks into these children's eyes and says, “I hope you all die."
I'm at a loss for words.🥺 pic.twitter.com/gOw1bbSX1Z
— sally (@sallyKP) July 28, 2020
There you have it. In this blogger's opinion, the top mask meltdowns of 2020. I suppose I could have thrown Anthony Fauci on the list as well. But I wanted to stick with randos freaking out in viral videos. Maybe we can catch him in 2021.
I'm sure you have a few favorites of your own. If you think there's one I missed, leave a comment!
FLASHBACK: Violent Antifa Thug Assaults Crowder! | Crowder Confronts 2018youtu.be
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