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COVID-19September 20, 2021
Masked Vaccinated Creeper Harasses Woman in Target. She Has None of It.
Creepy men following women around stores is, sadly, not uncommon. Unfortunately, creepy men now feel they're justified in harassing women if they're harassing women for noble causes. Though the issue with creeps is they think their causes are always noble. During these "uncertain times" (are we still saying that?) of COVID insanity, masked creeps go power tripping through stores looking for ladies to threaten. No doubt you've heard of the damsel in distress trope. But have you heard of creating a damsel in distress using nothing but your personality? Let's go to Target somewhere in these United States for a stellar example:
Why doesn\u2019t this shit ever happen to me?pic.twitter.com/gAnNQbnHqS— Art TakingBack \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 (@Art TakingBack \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8) 1631756923
Listen I'm not saying this man is lying when he says his wife is a doctor... but a doctor could do better than this short, frizzy-red-headed dinkle. It is rather easy to lie about a spouse. My husband is Astronaut Mike Dexter.
To the tweeter's question: weak men never confront strong men. Weak men only go after those they deem weaker than themselves. Target happens to be a target-rich environment for ladies, especially once the season of fall has begun. Fall decor hunting is like the man-holding-fish photo: you can't escape it. Because I'd also like to note that our creeper is without a shopping cart, neither hand nor push. He's there to harass, and harass he has.
Were betting my sport, I'd wager at least seven whole dollars our fine specimen is a male feminist. The kind who loves abortion, hates man-splaining. Somewhere else on his hate list: facts.
It seems every day we're learning more and more about how being vaccinated isn't the picnic trip to higher planes those who are vaccinated have said. What I mean is, a lot of vaccinated saints end up in hospitals, and unvaccinated with natural immunity from previous infections, not so much. It's like antibodies exist for a reason. But that doesn't matter to the masked and vaxxed. What matters is you CONFORM and OBEY. To be an individual is a threat to the hive mind and must be eradicated at all costs. Especially at the cost of your freedom.
Pro-tip to my gal pals: go unmasked shopping in a herd. Power in numbers is a thing. Surely you know a few other chicks eager to grind their axes against nasal stick swabs like the clown above.
Bill Maher Cuts Through The Media's COVID DELUSIONS | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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