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crimeApril 01, 2024
Of course! Democrat Mayor wants to hold BUSINESS OWNERS accountable for the crime committed against them
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There are no greater victim shamers than Democrat officials in crime-ridden areas. And there is no better example of this than St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones, who has further proved the abysmal failure of her mayorship.
Like most areas run by a bunch of naive progressives, St. Louis is consistently ranked among the most dangerous cities in the world and has one of the highest homicide rates in the country. It got that way not by convenience store owners but by the painfully incompetent leadership that is concerned with protecting lawbreakers as they victim-shame law-abiding citizens into oblivion.
Jones plans to hold local businesses accountable for violent crimes that they have not committed. And no, she has yet to say anything about holding people accountable for actually committing the the crimes.
In other words, don’t be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or you might be held accountable for something you fall victim to.
St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones has announced new plans to make convenience store owners more responsible for the crimes committed on or outside their property.
Mayor Jones, St Louis' the first black female mayor, told leaders at the the Black Mayors' Coalition on Crime in Memphis that St Louis needs to combat violent crime and theft around convenience stores.
'We have a lot of violence around convenience stores and gas stations,' Mayor Jones said on Thursday.
'So how can we hold those business owners accountable and also bring down crime?' she asked.
Adding: 'Some of the things we're already doing, we're finding that other mayors are doing as well.'
Jones, who has been mayor since 2021, told the other Mayor's ideas, the details of which are not yet clear, will be adopted from laws in Atlanta, Georgia that make nightclub owners more liable for crimes on or near their property.
In 2023, St. Louis was ranked the third most dangerous city again behind Detroit and Michigan but also Baltimore.
Holding victims accountable for the crimes they succumb to will only increase the rate of lawlessness, not decrease it.
Here is a thought: How about officials start enforcing laws that have been in place longer than any of us have been alive? Because announcing to criminals that other people will be held accountable for their crimes will only fuel their criminality even more.
But this is not surprising because Democrats always blame anyone and anything before they point the finger at the culprits responsible.
For example, instead of blaming criminals, progressives love to blame car manufacturers for making cars "much easier to break into." Democratic lawmakers will also sue the victims of crime before they even pretend to care about enforcing laws.
It is the nightclub's fault, it is the gas stations' fault, it is the gun's fault, it's anyone, and anything's fault but the thug victimizing people in society. And then when the business leaves because of the blatant victim shaming and the lack of enforcement of laws, the same officials will cry racism when they don't let the door hit them on the way out.
But the worst part about all of this is that voters will still fail to make the connection that the people they vote for are contributing to all of this. And sadly, we shall only expect more of the same.
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