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ArticlesJanuary 28, 2019
Model Elizabeth Pipko Just Outed Herself as a Donald Trump Supporter
It can be difficult being in the entertainment industry while also being slightly to the right of socialist. What with how intolerant and batsh!t crazy the left is. Just look at them with high school kids (see Covington Catholic School Receives HUNDREDS of Threats and Joy Behar Admits Media Ran with Covington Story Because They Hate Trump). So it's hard for, say, a model to out herself as a Trump supporter. But Elizabeth Pipko just doesn't care.
I don’t want to keep silent any longer. Even if that means saying goodbye to modeling forever. Not only am I proud of my work for Trump, but I also met amazing people — including my now husband, Darren Centinello, who is still part of the President’s campaign team. He works on digital and social media outreach/strategy for the 2020 race.My husband and I got married at Mar-a-Lago in December. We weren’t worried about offending our guests — at this point, I’ve already lost so many friends because of my Trump affiliation, the ones left standing are here to stay.
I think Trump is great for women. He’s always promoted women to leadership positions at his real estate company and at the White House. And as for the alleged pay-offs to various women — it’s none of my business. I care about what President Trump has done and will do for my country.
I'm sure that Pipko is hardly the only one. And I get having to keep your opinions to yourself for the sake of employment. It sucks, but it's sometimes a reality of life. Unless, of course, you happen to be a liberal in Hollywood. Then it's better if you refuse to shut your yap about how much you hate Trump. Maybe it even turns into Oscars.
If more people in the public eye outed themselves over politics, losing your job due to politics would become less and less of a reality.